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Emerging Trends in Symmetry


Focus and Scope

About the Journal

Emerging Trends in Symmetry is a peer-reviewed open-access journal launched in 2024 that fundamental concepts in many areas of science, mathematics, and engineering. It has been extensively studied and applied in various fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and architecture. However, the study of symmetry is not limited to these areas, and new emerging trends are continually being developed.

The journal welcomes original research papers, review articles, and short communications that report on the latest developments, emerging trends, and new applications related to symmetry. The manuscripts submitted to the journal should have significant contributions to the field of symmetry and should provide new insights into the subject.

Focus and Scope

  • Symmetry in physics: symmetry, physics, symmetry principles, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, relativity, symmetries in quantum mechanics, symmetries in statistical mechanics, symmetries in relativity
  • Symmetry in chemistry: symmetry, chemistry, symmetry principles, molecular structure, spectroscopy, crystallography, symmetries in molecular structure, symmetries in spectroscopy, symmetries in crystallography
  • Symmetry in biology: symmetry, biology, symmetry principles, biological structures, biomolecules, molecular evolution, symmetries in biological structures, symmetries in biomolecules, symmetries in molecular evolution
  • Symmetry in computer science: symmetry, computer science, symmetry principles, algorithms, data structures, computer graphics, symmetries in algorithms, symmetries in data structures, symmetries in computer graphics
  • Symmetry in architecture: symmetry, architecture, symmetry principles, design, building construction, urban planning, symmetries in design, symmetries in building construction, symmetries in urban planning
  • Symmetry in mathematics: symmetry, mathematics, symmetry principles, group theory, topology, algebraic geometry, symmetries in group theory, symmetries in topology, symmetries in algebraic geometry
  • Symmetry in engineering: symmetry, engineering, symmetry principles, mechanical systems, electrical systems, control theory, optimization, symmetries in mechanical systems, symmetries in electrical systems, symmetries in control theory, symmetries in optimization


  • Symmetry
  • Emerging trends
  • Applications
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Computer science
  • Architecture
  • Mathematics
  • Engineering
  • Symmetry principles
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Statistical mechanics
  • Relativity
  • Molecular structure
  • Spectroscopy
  • Crystallography
  • Biological structures
  • Biomolecules
  • Molecular evolution
  • Algorithms
  • Data structures
  • Computer graphics
  • Design
  • Building construction
  • Urban planning
  • Group theory
  • Topology
  • Algebraic geometry
  • Mechanical systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Control theory
  • Optimization