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Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering

ISSN: 2349-4786


Focus and Scope

About the Journal

Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering [2349-4786(e)] is a peer-reviewed open-access journal of engineering and scientific journals launched in 2014 which invites contributions of novel fundamental research in the field of Chemical engineering. The journal publishes original research articles and rapid communications covering all areas of Chemical Engineering.

Focus and Scope

  • Interfacial, Electrochemical Phenomena: Protein film voltammetry, Scanning tunneling microscopy, Single-crystal electrode surfaces, Metalloproteins, Corrosion EIS, Multi-phase interfaces, Pore structure, Reinforced concrete, Rechargeable magnesium batteries, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), Charge transfer resistance, Magnesium complexes containing electrolyte solutions, Pulsed electric field (PEF), Metal release, Finite Element Method (FEM), Electrical parameters, Product composition.

  • Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer: Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), Solar/heat adsorption cooling, Silica gel, Zeolite, Unsteady CFD, Heat and mass transfer, Computational fluid dynamics, Direct contact condensation, Volume-of-fluid, Multicomponent, Two-phase film flow, Nanofluid, Numerical study, Heat transfer enhancement, Lattice Boltzmann, Process intensification, Microreactor, Capillary flow, Liquid-liquid flow, Nitration.

  • Materials, Synthesis, and Processing: Metal oxide semiconductor, Quasi-one-dimensional system, Nanoelectronics, Field-effect transistor, Light-emitting diode, Chemical sensor, Supercapacitor, Energy storage, 2D materials, Graphene, Graphene oxide, Synthesis, Hydrogen storage, Methane storage, Carbon capture, Gas storage, Gas separation, High-temperature irradiation, Polycarbonate (PC), Polysulfone (PSF), Glass transition temperature (Tg), Hardening, Wear resistance.

  • Chemical Reaction Engineering: Monoliths, Honeycombs, Taylor flow, Segmented flow, Microreactors, Brethertons problem, Reaction engineering, Catalysis, Energy, Fuel, Direct coal liquefaction, Indirect coal liquefaction, FTS, Molecular imprinting, Polymers, drying theory, particulate, thin layer, Photocatalytic reactors, Suspended solid, Titanium dioxide, Reaction kinetics, Light absorption, Light scattering, Reaction engineering.

  • Plant Design & Process Design: Biofuels, Biomass, Process design, Thermo-economic modeling, Thermal optimization, Uncertainty, flexibility, controllability, reliability, the value of perfect information, batch plant design, Mechanical properties, Structure, Characterization, multiple-attribute decision making (MADM), Process synthesis, Process integration, Co-products, Adsorption kinetics, isotherm, Adsorption mechanism, Batch adsorber design.

  • Energy and Environmental Engineering: Molecular dynamics (MD), Brownian dynamics (BD), dissipative particle dynamics (DPD), contaminated soil remediation, waste processing, minerals processing, activated carbon regeneration, volatile organic compounds (VOC), renewable resources, polymeric composites, natural fiber, bioresorbable polymers, Environmental impact, Primary energy consumption, Embodied energy, Global warming potential, Commercial buildings, deposition process, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Layered materials, Photocatalytic, Solar energy conversion, Structure tuning.

  • Reactors and Reaction Kinetics: Photocatalytic reactors, suspended solid, Reaction kinetics, Light absorption, Light scattering, Reaction engineering, Modeling and simulations, Water gas shift, Fuel processing, Fuel cell, Stirred cell reactor, Absorption, Monoethanolamine, Carbon dioxide, Mass transfer and diffusion, Mathematical model, Waste oil transesterification, Renewable energy.

  • Separation Processes, Thermodynamics: Membrane preparation and structure, Theory, Thermodynamics, Phase Transitions, Mass transfer models, Gas hydrate, Review, Greenhouse gases, Carbon dioxide, Positive application, Flue gas, Ligand design, Multiscale simulation, Spent fuel reprocessing, Reactive separation, Reactive distillation, Reactive absorption, Rate-based approach, Film reaction, Catalytic internals, Mechanical systems, Reachable set, Multistage systems, Isotope separation, Surface distribution, Entropy generation, Separation sequence.


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