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Prof. Sankar Kumar Acharya

Prof. Sankar Kumar Acharya

Former Head, Dept. of Agril Extension and Director, Extension Education
Editor in Chief
Research & Reviews : Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
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Focus and Scope

Last Update: 11-Apr-23

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About the Journal

Research & Reviews: Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology [2278-2206(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2011 focused on the publication of current research work carried out under Agricultural Science and Technology. This journal covers all major fields of applications in Agricultural Science and Technology.

Focus and Scope

  • Agricultural economics: soil ecosystem, environmental economics, Production economics, farm management, Development economics, applied economics, v sustainable agriculture, the study of the allocation, formulation, planning, and analysis of macro-policy, productivity, employment, and income.

  • Agricultural Engineering: agricultural and biosystems engineering, agri-environmental, agrichemical, Agricola, agricultural agent, agriculturist, Agrigento, agrimony, soil management and erosion control, Farm Power and Machinery Engineering, Soil and Water Engineering, Farm Structure, and Environmental Control Engineering, Forestry, and Wood Product Engineering, and Food Engineering.

  • Agricultural Entomology: Insect Ecology, Insect Morphology, Insect Pathology, Insect Physiology, Insect Taxonomy, Industrial Entomology, Applied Entomology, pollinators, pests, field crops, fruits, vegetables, silk, honey, shellac, dyes, chitin, the study of insects, morphology, physiology, behavior, genetics, biomechanics, taxonomy, soil structure, fertility, control populations of other organisms, biodiversity, Ecology, Insect Morphology, Insect Pathology, Insect Physiology, Insect Taxonomy, Insect Toxicology, Industrial Entomology, Medical Entomology, Economic Entomology.

  • Horticulture Crops: Plant breeding, fruits, vegetables, medicinal, aromatic, ornamental plants, garden cultivation, cultivation, culture, farmwork, gardening, tillage, lawn grasses, farming, arboriculture, floriculture, viniculture, viticulture, groundskeeping.

  • Agricultural Chemistry: Soil preservation, fertilizers, plant-protection chemicals or pesticides, plant-growth hormones, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides.

  • Soil Science: microbiology, pedology, edaphology, physics or chemistry, Pedometrics, Plant-Soil Interactions, Soil Biogeochemistry, Nutrient Cycling, Soil Biology, Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Soil Management, Soil Organic Matter Dynamics, Carbon Sequestration, Soil Pollution, Remediation, Soils, Human Health.

  • Agriculture Biotechnology: genetic engineering, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines, tissue culture, breeding, DNA, Endophyte, Bacillus, Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Micro-Organism, Pesticide, Ethanol, Genetically Modified Organism, Plant Breeding, Mutation breeding, hybrid seed.

  • Agriculture Microbiology: microbiology dealing, with plant-associated microbes and plant and animal diseases, fertility, soil, microorganisms, sustainable agriculture, enzymes, microbiome, plant development, bioremediation, Bacteriology, Mycology, atmospheric oxygen.

  • Agriculture Genetics: Gene, allele, locus, site, Genotype, phenotype, dominant, recessive, codominant, additive, Polymorphism, mutation, Complex trait, multifactorial, polygenic, monogenic, Haplotype, phase, multilocus genotype, Epistasis, interaction, pleiotropy, Allelic association, linkage disequilibrium, gametic phase disequilibrium, farm animals.

  • Agronomy: plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, soil science, quality environment, crop production, soil management, corn, rice, beans, and wheat, cultivation, culture, farmwork, gardening, horticulture, tillage.

  • Agricultural Meteorology: Role of meteorologists, Crop micrometeorology, Crop ecology, phenology, Crop production, growing season, Climate change, agricultural production, food, feed, fiber, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, atmospheric science, climatology, weather, climate, crop yield, forecast weather, crops, farm operations, hydrological factors, biological systems, cloud cover.

  • Agro technology: agrarian, horticultural, rural, aggie, agronomic, arboricultural, floricultural, gardening, agriculture, aquaculture improving yield, efficiency, and profitability, robots, temperature, moisture sensors, aerial images, GPS technology, crop health.

  • Agro-ecology: agri-environment, agro-ecosystems, agroforestry, arboriculture, pomology, agriculture, farming, husbandry aquaculture, hydroponics, monoculture, pastoralism, sharecropping, empowering farmers, Social sciences, scientific ecology, animal husbandry, mixed farming.