Editor’s Profile

Name: Dr. Archita Banerjee

Editor : NOLEGEIN Journal of Human Resource Management & Development


Affiliation: iLEAD, West Bengal, India 110070

Institutional Profile Link : https://ilead.net.in/

About Me

Associate Professor in Management at iLEAD, West Bengal, India
My expertise are Human Resource Management and Marketing

Recent Publications

  1.   A.Banerjee and Suganya Balan,”The effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on the energy sectors of Thailand under the influence of ASEAN CSR Network”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (www.jetir.org), ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.10, Issue 11, page no.b271-b281, November2023,
  2. Archita Banerjee, “The Study In Effect Of Theory Of Motivation In New Workplace Strategies.”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.8, Issue 4, pp.1051-1057, April 2020,
  3. Failure of Employee Retention and its impact in Organisational Practice’,2019,IJRGranthaalayah,IISN-2394-0530, 22 Citations
  4. Research paper on” Employee Retention: A conceptual study through content analysis” International Conference on ‘Society and Business in the New Millennium,ICFAI University in collaboration with Lincoln University.