Guest Editor’s Profile

Name: Dr. Nitin Malhotra

Guest Editor : Emerging Trends in Languages


Affiliation: Amity University, Madhya Pradesh, India 474020

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About Me

Assistant Professor in Department of English at Amity University, Madhya Pradesh, India
My expertise are English Literature; Indian Writings in English Translation; Cultural Studies; Academic Writing; Creative Writing

Recent Publications

  1. The Mahābhārata and Dharma Discourse: A Vision of Clarity through Its Tales. 
  2. An Analytical Study of Cultural Intermediaries through the Select Tales of the Mahabharata.
  3. Elements of Child Psychology in Alice Munro’s “Deep-Hole”:An Overview.
  4. An Analysis of Psycho-Social Disability in Devdutt Pattnaik’s Sita: A Retelling of Ramayana.
  5. Treatment of Anti-Semitism and New World Order in The Finkler Question by Howard Jacobson: An
    Analytical Study.
  6. Universal Concepts of Dharma: Understanding Dharma through the Tales of the Mahabharata.