Editor in Chief’s Profile

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Dr. M.Ravichand

Designation : Professor & Head

Affiliation : Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering Andhra Pradesh, India, 520007

Institution Profile Link : https://www.vrsiddhartha.ac.in/faculty-of-sh/#1583131695727-d19e04f2-5eff

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Role: Editor in Chief

Journal: Emerging Trends in Languages

About Me

Professor & Head in English at Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India
My expertise are English

Recent Publications

  1. Drug-based recommendation system based on deep learning approach for data optimization
  2. Analyze the political preference of a common man by using data mining and machine learning
  3. Monitoring and Predicting Performance of Students in Degree Programs using Machine Learning
  4. Investigation of the Educational Performance on the Revolutionary Philosophical Electoral Online Learning Platform Centred on Deep Learning
  5. Crack on Brick Wall Detection by Computer Vision using Machine Learning
  6. Serial mediation of the association between organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intentions by job satisfaction, loyalty and organizational commitment among nurses in Kerala