Editor’s Profile

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Name: Dr. Arun Kumar Saraf

Editor : Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS


Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology,, Uttarakhand, India

Institutional Profile Link : https://iitr.ac.in/Departments/Earth%20Sciences%20Department/People/Faculty/100291.html

Professor (High Academic Grade) in Department of Earth Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology,, Uttarakhand, India
My expertise are Earth Sciences

Recent Publications

  1. Gaurav Singh, J. Das, A. K. Saraf, S. Borgohain and S. S. Baral. Geospatial Technology in Hypsometric Analysis of Mohand Anticline, Uttarakhand, India. https://aars-ajg.org/accept/AJG-2206001/AJG-2206001.pdf
  2. Jasrotia, A.S., Kumar, R., Taloor, A.K. et al. Artificial recharge to groundwater using geospatial and groundwater modelling techniques in North Western Himalaya, India. Arab J Geosci 12, 774 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-019-4855-5