A Study on Impact of Profitability on Performance of CSR in Selected Public Sector Units of India

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : –

Jagdish M. Mulchandani


As it is a clear fact that a business is a part of society, it cannot aloof itself from the society, it becomes its moral duties to take a very good care of the different sections of the society. No matter what the circumstances are, a business cannot deny to accept the responsibilities of performing the social responsibilities. Whatever a business is today it is but obvious that the efforts of different sections of the society play a pivot role in the establishment and success of it. Business have received many resources from the society in form of finance, human resource, demand, materials, machines etc. then it becomes the moral duty of a business to return the same to the society in form of performing the social responsibilities. As the performance of social responsibilities does not benefit in the short run but in the long run also the business gets the advantages of the same. During the pandemic period of Corona, the corporations of the whole world truly realized that it is the market on which we are dependent, if that market survives then and then only the corporations can find the way of their survival. The thinking of ‘The main Businness of a Business is doing Business’ has become outdated today. It is not only the goverment companies but private businesses also have to think about the performance of social responsibilities too and even the same has become compulory for them in recent years. In this research paper the comparative study of selected PSUs indicate that how different parameters of business do affect the implementation of CSR of the particular business. Although, there are various advantages to perform the CSR and of course the scope of CSR is large too!!

Keywords: Corona Pandemic, CSR, Moral responsibility, Corporations, Responsibility, Profit

[This article belongs to E-Commerce for Future & Trends(ecft)]

How to cite this article: Jagdish M. Mulchandani. A Study on Impact of Profitability on Performance of CSR in Selected Public Sector Units of India. E-Commerce for Future & Trends. 2024; 11(02):-.
How to cite this URL: Jagdish M. Mulchandani. A Study on Impact of Profitability on Performance of CSR in Selected Public Sector Units of India. E-Commerce for Future & Trends. 2024; 11(02):-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ecft/article=2024/view=149502


Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received January 19, 2024
Accepted March 2, 2024
Published June 10, 2024