Subscription Review Article

A Review on Electro Cardio Graph a New Approach

   Farsana Muhammed2 Muhammed,    Jubairiyath beevi A,
Volume :  10 | Issue :  01 | Received :  April 27, 2024 | Accepted :  June 3, 2024 | Published :  June 14, 2024

[This article belongs to Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technologies(jomet)]


Electro Cardio Graph, normal ECG, Internet of Things (IoT), monitoring system, Light weight Access Control (LAC)


An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the heart’s electrical activity during a cardiac cycle. A lightweight system for analyzing ECG signal strength, aimed for real-time use and automatic classification, will be developed. This system will utilize ECG sensors, Arduino microcontrollers, Android phones, Bluetooth connectivity, and cloud servers, with a focus on ensuring secure data transfer. Lightweight Access Control (LAC) and Lightweight Secure IoT (LS-IoT) will be employed for this purpose. The paper also explores various types of ECGs and details the different waveforms typically observed. It provides interpretations of common ECG readings. The proposed IoT-based ECG monitoring architecture aims to enhance the reliability, accuracy, and efficiency of unsupervised diagnostic systems, potentially revolutionizing heart problem diagnosis and monitoring in clinical settings.

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