Subscription Review Article

Exploring GeoAlert: An IoT Approach to Weather Station Networks

   Yash Khetade,    Mitali Panzade,    Yash Marode,    M. N. Kakatkar,
Volume :  13 | Issue :  01 | Received :  May 13, 2024 | Accepted :  June 3, 2024 | Published :  June 10, 2024
DOI :  10.37591/RRJoSST

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Space Science & Technology(rrjosst)]


Remote data analysis, community resilience, disaster preparedness, environmental sensing, IoT weather monitoring


The innovative project “Geo-Alert: IoT Based Weather Station” uses Internet of Things, or IoT, technologies to monitor and respond to environmental circumstances, such as flood hazards, weather variations, and seismic events. This system sends real-time data to the Blynk IoT cloud, enabling seamless remote monitoring and analysis. It does this by utilising a combination of specialised sensors, such as vibration sensors for earthquake detection, DHT11 and MQ series sensors for weather tracking, and Raindrop and Ultrasonic sensors for flood monitoring. By providing an integrated platform for the acquisition and accessibility of crucial environmental data, this initiative seeks to fortify early warning capabilities, disaster preparedness, and our comprehension of local weather dynamics and geological phenomena. The goal is to increase community safety and resilience to natural disasters.

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