Subscription Original Research

Fuel Flow: Streamlining Fuel Dispensing with RFID and ESP8266 Integration

   Hrishikesh Barge,    Balaji Apet,    Kunal Chavan,    Prashant Dahale,
Volume :  11 | Issue :  01 | Received :  April 25, 2024 | Accepted :  May 27, 2024 | Published :  June 13, 2024
DOI :  10.37591/JoMET

[This article belongs to Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technologies(jomet)]


RFID , LCD , ATmega328 , ultrasonic sensor , . Keypad


The “Smart Automatic Petrol Pump System Based on RFID and ESP8266” project is a cutting-edge implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) technology designed to revolutionize the conventional petrol and diesel fuelling process. With the exponential growth of vehicular traffic in urban areas, fuel stations have encountered congestion and inefficiencies. This project addresses these challenges by introducing an intelligent and automated system that seamlessly integrates RFID technology, ultrasonic sensors, microcontrollers, and wireless communication. The “Smart Automatic Petrol Pump System Based on RFID and ESP8266” project is a cutting-edge implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) technology designed to revolutionize the conventional petrol and diesel fuelling process. With the exponential growth of vehicular traffic in urban areas, fuel stations have encountered congestion and inefficiencies. This project addresses these challenges by introducing an intelligent and automated system that seamlessly integrates RFID technology, ultrasonic sensors, microcontrollers, and wireless communication.

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