Subscription Review Article

Development of a Self-Cleaning Mechanism for Solar Panels to Enhance Efficiency

   S. Rajemdra Prasad,    Nellampani Pavan Kumar,
Volume :  11 | Issue :  01 | Received :  April 10, 2024 | Accepted :  May 1, 2024 | Published :  June 13, 2024
DOI :  10.37591/JoMA

[This article belongs to Journal of Mechatronics and Automation(joma)]


Photo Voltaic modules, silicon junction, solar panels, solar energy, efficiency


On Earth, solar energy is the most plentiful source of energy. As it happens, the heat generated by the fusion of helium on the outermost part of the Sun additionally happens to be renewable. This energy is becoming popular because of natural advantages. In digital circuit design, AI can aid in logic synthesis and analog circuit design, AI can help in sizing transistors. The tools used to transform daylight into battery power are called photovoltaic (PV) modules. When photons of light impact activated the silicon junction panels, they form electrons, which create a potential difference across the junction and cause current to flow. Although a great deal of advanced research is being conducted in the fields of materials engineering either silicon junction, etc. to fully realize the promise of solar energy, the maximum efficiency that has been commercially attained only reaches 16–22%. While performance rises when more photons strike the junction, the amount of photons that reach the Si junction decreases when dust settles on these photovoltaic panels, significantly lowering productivity. In digital circuit design, AI can aid in logic synthesis and analog circuit design, AI can help in sizing transistors. Currently, the panels are cleaned by hand, which is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and not advantageous. Therefore, a system that would solve all of these issues is necessary. An extensive analysis of the impact of dust settlement on photovoltaic module performances is carried out in this paper. Dust, filth, and moisture reduce the performance of solar power panels, making them less helpful and less efficient. This study focuses on the development of an automated solar panel cleaning system that is both advantageous and maintains the highest level of efficacy by keeping the screens’ upper layer clean.

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