Subscription Review Article

Hydroponics Culture Regulated Metabolic Variations in Plants of Medicinal Value

   A. Aggarwal,    T. Singh,    U. Srivastava,    A. Mathur,
Volume :   | Issue :   | Received :  April 22, 2024 | Accepted :  April 30, 2024 | Published :  June 11, 2024


Hydroponics, metabolic flux, plants, plant tissue culture, eco-metabolomics research, light intensity, nutrients, carbon, nitrogen


The current review chiefly brings to light the importance of alternative cultivation strategies for medicinal plants about the effective enhancement of the bioactive substances. The fast-paced society is favoring the need for its cost-effective cultivation and studying the effects thereafter. The mis-steps while collecting the plant from the wild lead to identification issues, genetic and phenotypic variations, variable bioactive substances/secondary metabolites, and toxic compounds. So, cultivation happening in controlled environments, Hydroponics and its attributed advantages help to alleviate the losses and knowledge assimilation. The increasing popularity of Hydroponics reaching the foothills of herbal cultivation, other than vegetables and fruits, ornamentals is a step in the right direction, moreover enhancing the concentration of bioactive substances by altering the metabolic fluxes. A huge economic advantage accrued through hydroponics can generate millions of jobs for the jobless and ease of operation which can be easily understood by the farmer community. However, the limits of the technique are low germination rate and artificial monitoring which weighs down the scale when compared with the uniform yields, produced from the plants. The commercial success of cultivating medicines in your backyard can be a future in the pipeline. These metabolic changes in response to abiotic environmental factors are discussed in detail. Thus, Hydroponics helps maintain the diversity of the plant species and the spontaneity of the flora while the major challenge is the altered metabolic profile of the plants. The regulation of the synergistic effect of medicinal plants has to be conclusively determined, with the help of biotechnological and smart IT solutions.

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