Subscription Review Article

The Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Diseases: Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies

   Sheersh Jain,
Volume :  13 | Issue :  02 | Received :  April 11, 2024 | Accepted :  April 12, 2024 | Published :  June 11, 2024

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : A Journal of Medical Science and Technology(rrjomst)]


Climate change, infectious diseases, surveillance systems, adaptation strategies, capacity building, public health interventions, policy measures, resilience, community engagement, mitigation, outbreak investigation.


As we confront the pressing challenge of climate change, it’s vital to recognize its intertwined connection with infectious diseases. We must now navigate a future that combines strong public health interventions, environmental stewardship, and strong policy actions as we stand at the crossroads of crises. In an attempt to lessen the drastic effects of climate change on the dynamics of disease transmission, this study identifies potential risks and creative solutions. In addressing the mounting peril of climate-induced infectious diseases, a comprehensive approach is imperative. Enhanced surveillance systems, bolstered by advanced technology and community engagement, form the cornerstone of proactive disease monitoring and early detection. Concurrently, community-based adaptation strategies, tailored to local contexts and informed by scientific evidence, serve as crucial shields against the evolving threat landscape. Moreover, investing in capacity building initiatives, spanning healthcare infrastructure, human resources, and public awareness campaigns, fortifies resilience and response capabilities. Through concerted international collaboration and concerted efforts, these multifaceted interventions offer a pathway to attenuate the burgeoning health hazards precipitated by infectious diseases in the wake of climate change.

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