Subscription Review Article

Enhancing Mutual Fund Investment Decision-Making Using Machine Learning: A Survey

   V. Jayakumar,    V. Usharani,
Volume :  02 | Issue :  01 | Received :  February 29, 2024 | Accepted :  May 27, 2024 | Published :  May 30, 2024
DOI :  10.37591

[This article belongs to International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis Review(ijadar)]


Mutual Funds, Machine learning Algorithms, Deep Learning Algorithms.


In India, a significant portion of individuals save a part of their income for a secure future. Government and various public sector financial companies also provide some saving schemes through banks, post offices, and LICs such as RD, PPF, SSA, Fixed deposits, etc. Over the past decade, many individuals have shifted their saving schemes to vigorously searching for investment plan in Mutual Fund (MF) that gives optimal returns. The knowledge and interest in MF investments are increasing rapidly day by day. Indian investors who invested in MF 60 out of 100 in the previous year, many individuals failed to select the most appropriate MF schemes for their investment goals. This paper aims to provide insights to the individuals by conducting a brief literature review on various papers published in the domain of Mutual Funds as well as stock market investments. This survey will focus on understanding the criteria for selecting appropriate MF schemes, effective portfolio management strategies, and investigating the use of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to predict the returns.

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