Subscription Review Article

A Comprehensive Review on Red mud as Construction Material and its Utilization for Environmental Advantage

   Anant Ram Mishra,    P. K. Singhai,    Anupam Mishra,
Volume :   | Issue :   | Received :  February 7, 2024 | Accepted :  April 10, 2024 | Published :  April 16, 2024


Red mud. Road sub layers. Materials construction. Cement constitution, Waste utilization, Material properties.


These materials can help to further decrease pollution and disposal difficulties when utilized effectively in civil engineering applications. Red mud, a byproduct of converting bauxite into aluminum, collects and occupies an increasing amount of deforested area because of its high alkalinity. With little chance of being used, an estimated redmud of 116 tons are created year globally, posing a major risk of contamination and pollution. However, because they will be assessed the highest fees, the companies responsible for the waste are left with the most environmental duties arising by these waste of bauxite. Even though studies indicate that it is possible to use this solid waste in the formulation of ceramic goods, this analysis investigates red mud’s potential as a sustainable building material. Red mud is a byproduct of refining aluminum. Because of its availability and the growing demand for sustainable alternatives in the building sector, red mud has attracted attention in recent years. Physical properties, chemical properties and environmental consequences are examined, as well as some of the potential benefits and drawbacks of using it in construction. The potential of this Red mud generated by alumina refinery businesses as a construction material was assessed by analyzing its physical, chemical, and other civil engineering properties.It is the fine-grained residue that is left behind following the extraction of alumina by bauxite. India produces over 1 crores tons of red mud residues every year, which poses serious and alarming environmental problems. In order to significantly reduce pollution, this red mud may be neutralized. Once neutralized, Red mud can be used as an additive and raw material in construction projects.

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