Subscription Review Article

Productive Food Waste Tracking application

   Sakshi Shivaji Hole,    Anjali Shahu Londhe,    Sayali Dipak Khaire,    Chetana Nimba Patil,    Amruta More,
Volume :  11 | Issue :  01 | Received :  February 16, 2024 | Accepted :  March 31, 2024 | Published :  April 4, 2024
DOI :  10.37591

[This article belongs to Journal of Multimedia Technology & Recent Advancements(jomtra)]


Food waste, environmental degradation, food insecurity, Android mobile application, surplus food, food redistribution, greenhouse gas emissions, vulnerable populations, community, user confidentiality, sustainable solution, global concern.


In the contemporary world, food waste has emerged as a critical global issue with profound consequences for the environment, economy, and societal well-being. The challenge at hand is the efficient management of food resources to combat this issue. Problem: Food waste, a significant problem, leads to the squandering of valuable resources, contributes to environmental degradation through greenhouse gas emissions, and exacerbates food insecurity, particularly among vulnerable populations. Solution: To address this problem, we have developed an innovative Android mobile application. This application harnesses the capabilities of modern technology to empower individuals and restaurants to contribute surplus food and leftovers to those in need. By bridging the gap between food surplus and food scarcity, our study demonstrates the app’s effectiveness in reducing food waste and alleviating food poverty. Through a seamless process of food donation, collection, and redistribution, the application showcases its potential to make a substantial impact on both environmental conservation and social welfare.

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