Experimental Research on the Strength Properties of Concrete with Recycled Aggregate, Pond Ash, and Rubber Powder Replaced in Part for Concrete Materials in Standard Grades

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Tatukolu Shiva Nagaraju,

P Suresh Chandra Babu,

Dr. B. Sudarshan Reddy,

  1. Student, Structural Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College,, Telangana, India
  2. Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Malla Reddy Engineering College,, Telangana, India
  3. Professor, Malla Reddy Engineering College,, Telangana, India


Concrete, a fundamental material in modern construction, poses environmental concerns due to its significant carbon footprint. To mitigate this impact, researchers explore alternative materials like fly ash, GGBS, alcofine, and rubber powder as cement replacements. This study examines the durability and strength of concrete that contains recycled aggregate, pond ash, and waste rubber powder. Waste rubber, abundant from industrial and automotive sources, poses disposal challenges. Pond ash, a byproduct of power plants, and recycled aggregate from demolished structures offer environmentally friendly alternatives. The study examines these materials’ effects on concrete, aiming for lightweight yet robust compositions. Experimentation involves varying proportions of waste rubber, pond ash, and recycled aggregate in concrete grades M30 and M40. Parameters like compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, permeability, and flexural strength are assessed after 28 days of curing. Results indicate that a mix containing 5% waste rubber, 20% pond ash, and 20% recycled aggregate yields optimal compressive strength and improved water penetration. However, despite promising results, structural applications of these concrete blends are hindered by lower compressive strength compared to conventional concrete. Further research is needed to enhance the structural viability of compositions containing waste rubber, pond ash, and recycled aggregate.
In conclusion, this study sheds light on the potential of incorporating waste rubber, pond ash, and recycled aggregate in concrete to reduce environmental impact while maintaining performance. Optimizing material proportions and addressing strength limitations will be crucial for broader adoption in structural applications.

Keywords: Waste rubber powder, pond ash, recycled aggregate, cement, partially replaced, M30 and M40 grades, Compressive strength, Splitting tensile strength, Permeability, and flexural strength test.

How to cite this article: Tatukolu Shiva Nagaraju, P Suresh Chandra Babu, Dr. B. Sudarshan Reddy. Experimental Research on the Strength Properties of Concrete with Recycled Aggregate, Pond Ash, and Rubber Powder Replaced in Part for Concrete Materials in Standard Grades. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Tatukolu Shiva Nagaraju, P Suresh Chandra Babu, Dr. B. Sudarshan Reddy. Experimental Research on the Strength Properties of Concrete with Recycled Aggregate, Pond Ash, and Rubber Powder Replaced in Part for Concrete Materials in Standard Grades. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jopc/article=2024/view=171758

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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received June 10, 2024
Accepted August 24, 2024
Published September 3, 2024

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