Assessment of dietary sources, eating habits, and lifestyle among Pharmacy students in India

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Ambika Nand Jha,

Varsha R. Gaikwad,

Mashfa M. Asar,

  1. Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, Sharda University Uttar Pradesh India
  2. Assistant Professor Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Shri Pandit Baburao Chaughule College of Pharmacy Maharashtra India
  3. Assistant Professor Dept. of Quality Assurance, Shri Pandit Baburao Chaughule College of Pharmacy Maharashtra India


Aim & Objective: Balanced Diet and their sources play a vital role in maintaining physical, mental and health especially in College’s students and in teenager’s. Knowledge regarding the dietary source, eating habits of Pharmacy students as health care professionals play critical and central role in management and in accessing the quality of health care population. The purpose of this Survey study is Assessment of dietary sources, Eating Habits and lifestyle among Pharmacy Students in India. Methodology This cross-sectional online survey study is conducted during the period of 15th August to 30th August 2021. By the distribution of self-administered questionnaire google form among the students studying in Pharmacy by using social media platform WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Email etc. This questionnaire is Sub-Divided in Participants consent, demographic detail, Questions Related to DIETARY SOURCES, EATING HABITS AND LIFESTYLE AMONG the Pharmacy students. The Data Automatically recorded in google Drive and analysed the recorded data using Microsoft Office Excel & percentage analysis and written in table form. Results Total 58% Student are hosteller and 42 % are Day scholar. However, 52.5 % participants prefer Vegetarian followed by 39.5 % Non – Vegetarian8 % Vegan diet. According to WHO-BMI classification BMI calculated for the study participants, 11.7% participants were noted to be underweight,45.1 % noted as Normal BMI and 43.2 % students were either pre-obesity or overweight. Conclusion Fibrous Fruits, green vegetables and more amount of water intake is balanced diet. It can decrease the risk of underweight or overweight and development of obesity and any nutritional deficiency disease or Disorders. Especially those students who stay in hostel & takes infrequent and Irregular meals together with low green vegetables and fibrous fruits and this is the main reason for being unhealthy. Our conclusion is to counsel the students to reduce the risk of underweight or overweight or obesity and try to avoid the junk food.

Keywords: Balanced diet, Dietary Sources, Health, Pharmacy Students, Green vegetables, Counselling.

How to cite this article: Ambika Nand Jha, Varsha R. Gaikwad, Mashfa M. Asar. Assessment of dietary sources, eating habits, and lifestyle among Pharmacy students in India. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacology. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Ambika Nand Jha, Varsha R. Gaikwad, Mashfa M. Asar. Assessment of dietary sources, eating habits, and lifestyle among Pharmacy students in India. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacology. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received July 1, 2024
Accepted July 25, 2024
Published August 12, 2024

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