Thermal Comfort Analysis Thermostat Valve

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Amit Patil

Vinay Hogle

Vyankatesh Gaikwad

Sujal Randive

Rahul Thakare

  1. Professor Automobile Department, Saraswati College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra India
  2. Student Automobile Department, Saraswati College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra India
  3. Student Automobile Department, Saraswati College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra India
  4. Student Automobile Department, Saraswati College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra India
  5. Student Automobile Department, Saraswati College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra India


Recent analysis that has given performance on the basis of thermal analysis of thermostat valve. Play an important role in automobile Cooling system. And its performance can change according to its different temperature conditions. Thermostat valve has been extensively study with the primary direction it’s Bring Down engine temperature and upgrade performance of engine. Thermostat valve play an important role in automobile cooling system for durable the engine temperature in working condition. In this spot we use computer model analysis and simulation to examine thermal changes in thermostat valve using two different apparatus/material for analysis of thermostat Valve thermal analysis and simulation display the thermal changes in thermostat valve and tell how it will effect on cooling system. In automobile engine, there was a cooling system which work as cooling to the all vehicle. In such system the thermostat valve is operating all the cooling system with help of wax which is present in charge cylinder. The wax having something different property which work as at time of high temperature as fluid and at time of low temperature as solid structure in cooling system. The thermostat is 10/heart of cooling system it’s because of the without thermostat the system will not work properly. The engine is a reciprocating device which is work on heat of the fuel crate heat which is control by the cooling system. There was two different type of cooling system one is water cooling system another one is air cooling system. Most probably for the giant engine the water cooling system is used which is give power lost to engine but its profitable for the engine life. Air cooling system is maintenance free which is profitable but its work on small size of engine just like two wheeler engine.

Keywords: Thermal change, cooling system, two material, stable, thermostat

How to cite this article: Amit Patil, Vinay Hogle, Vyankatesh Gaikwad, Sujal Randive, Rahul Thakare. Thermal Comfort Analysis Thermostat Valve. Journal of Refrigeration, Air conditioning, Heating and ventilation. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Amit Patil, Vinay Hogle, Vyankatesh Gaikwad, Sujal Randive, Rahul Thakare. Thermal Comfort Analysis Thermostat Valve. Journal of Refrigeration, Air conditioning, Heating and ventilation. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received April 20, 2021
Accepted May 10, 2021
Published May 10, 2023