Correlating the Strength Parameters of Rubber Modified Asphalt Concrete

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Saad Issa Sarsam,

  1. Professor Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad Iraq


Building verified models can help in predicting performance characteristics of asphalt concrete and saving time and money. An attempt has been made in the present investigation to prepare asphalt concrete mixtures for wearing course. Crumb rubber was implemented to prepare modified asphalt binder, which was obtained from Nasiriyah, Erbil, and Dourah oil refineries. Asphalt concrete specimens of control and rubber modified binder have been prepared and tested for Marshall stability, stiffness, and indirect tensile strength. Test results of such strength parameters were analyzed and correlated. It was revealed that when 8 and 16% of crumb rubber was implemented in the asphalt concrete mixtures, higher intercept, and slope of the (tensile strength-stiffness) relationship could be detected among various binder origins and higher intercepts of the (tensile strength-stability) relationship values could be detected, while the slope is generally increased. It was noted that mixtures of Dourah asphalt binder exhibit the highest tensile strength as represented by the intercept of the (tensile strength-stiffness) relationship of 90.8 kPa as compared with mixture of Nasiriyah and Erbil asphalt binders with 88.16 and 77.1 kPa intercept values. However, mixtures with Erbil asphalt binder exhibit the lowest intercept of the (tensile strength-stability) relationship of 255.6 kPa as compared to mixtures of Nasiriyah and Dourah asphalt binders with intercept values of 327.1 and 407.2 kPa respectively. It was concluded that the mathematical models obtained fit into the experimental observation with high accuracy. Hence, the models are practical to be used to predict the changes in tensile strength properties of asphalt concrete with the variation in stiffness and stability

Keywords: Asphalt concrete, crumb rubber, Marshall, tensile strength, stiffness.

How to cite this article: Saad Issa Sarsam. Correlating the Strength Parameters of Rubber Modified Asphalt Concrete. International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Saad Issa Sarsam. Correlating the Strength Parameters of Rubber Modified Asphalt Concrete. International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Traffic System. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received April 25, 2021
Accepted May 20, 2021
Published May 20, 2023