Immune Boosting Functional Foods for Strengthening Host Defense Mechanism to Combat in Opposition to Covid-19 and Unani Guidelines of Ayush for Its Prevention

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Mohd. Furqan Ahmad Patel,

Khan Nazema Sultana,

Riyazoddin Shaikh Kasam,

Anis Shah,

Tanveer Ahmad Khan,

  1. Assistant Professor Department of Amraz-e-Atfal (Pediatric), ZVM Unani Medical College and Hospital India


The Immune systems protect the host in opposition to infectious and poisonous diseases and guard from contagious agents present in the environment, such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, and parasites. Blood performs an essential position in enhancing immunity because of the arrival of white blood cells or tissues that combat in opposition to infectious diseases. Sometimes they are not able to understand those organisms. Due to this reason, we want to reinforce immunity with a balanced diet that consists of essential nutrients. Newly developed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) passed off in December 2019, referred to as coronavirus sickness seemed in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in China and later daily unfold everywhere in the international nearly 88 international locations suffering from this virus. Symptoms have ranged from moderate to extreme. Serious sign and symptoms are issue in respiratory lack of speech and chest ache or pressure, in addition to the detrimental impact at the immune system, that’s why human beings with the weaker immune system can also additionally cause demise. Still, there is no vaccine in opposition to this sickness, however this could be managed with the aid of using eating wholesome diets to reinforce the immune system. Food has usually been a simple need of individual; however, it was understood only as a source of energy that is important for their survival. In the history of medicine, Unani medicine is one of the very first systems of medicine which emphasize the importance of food beyond the source for the maintenance of health and established the notion of akhlat and food. Increase dairy food intakes like colostrum, yogurt, and cheese or fermented dairy drinks; devour culmination and veggies, cereals, herbs and spices, functional and nutraceutical meals to bolster the immune system. Citrus culmination which are the richest supply of vitamin-C, performs a critical position in immuneboosting because of its antioxidant properties and combat in opposition to infectious diseases. Limit the quantity of salt, sugar, and fiber; devour masses of water to preserve hydrated, wash arms keep away from assembly or gatherings.

Keywords: Immune system, Coronavirus disease, Immune boosting meals, Prevention of Covid-19, SARS CoV-2, Unani system of medication, Quwwat-e-Mudabbira Badan

How to cite this article: Mohd. Furqan Ahmad Patel, Khan Nazema Sultana, Riyazoddin Shaikh Kasam, Anis Shah, Tanveer Ahmad Khan. Immune Boosting Functional Foods for Strengthening Host Defense Mechanism to Combat in Opposition to Covid-19 and Unani Guidelines of Ayush for Its Prevention. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Mohd. Furqan Ahmad Patel, Khan Nazema Sultana, Riyazoddin Shaikh Kasam, Anis Shah, Tanveer Ahmad Khan. Immune Boosting Functional Foods for Strengthening Host Defense Mechanism to Combat in Opposition to Covid-19 and Unani Guidelines of Ayush for Its Prevention. Research & Reviews : A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received September 5, 2021
Accepted October 10, 2021
Published January 10, 2023