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Prof. Jaya t varkey
St Teresa’s College, ,
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics
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International Journal of Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics is here with an open access platform for our journals specifically for the special issues topics which are available online, immediately upon publication which leads to unlimited access anytime anywhere. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the costs of turning a manuscript into a finished article, as well as the costs of hosting, distributing and promoting an article. Here's the details regarding the article processing charge (APC) which is applied to papers accepted after peer review.
Open Access
Its the normal publication process which is completed in 20 working days
APC Open Access [GOLD]
APC Open Access [Green]
- Expert, editorial advice within 8 days.
- Acceptance within next 2 day.
- High quality Language editing and formatting along with plag check in another 8 days.
- Plagiarism check done with high standard tools such as Quetext, Drillbit and Turnitin in another 1 days. After all the process is completed the paper gets published.
Rapid Publication
Simple, fast and effective flexible move to get your paper published within 10 working days of manuscript submission
APC Open Access [GOLD]
APC Open Access [Green]
Expert, editorial advice within 4 days
Acceptance within next 1 day.
High quality Language editing and formatting along with plag check in another 3 days
Plagiarism check done with high standard tools such as Quetext, Drillbit and Turnitin in another 1 days
After all the process is completed the paper gets published
Specialist Publication
The publication gets done way more faster than expected within 5 working days with high quality standards.
APC Open Access [GOLD]
APC Open Access [Green]
- Expert, editorial advice within 24 hours.
- Acceptance within next 24 hours.
- High quality Language editing and formatting along with plag check in another 48 hours.
- After all the process is completed the paper gets published
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