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Total Articles : 3

Ahead of Print  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 14-Feb-2025
Haydar U. Zaman,
AbstractBecause of its primary benefits—moderate strength and stiffness, low cost, and being a renewable, degradable, and ecologically friendly . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering (ijame)]

Ahead of Print  Subscription Review Article Published on :- 14-Feb-2025
Sapna Chandel,
AbstractNanoparticles (<100 nm in size) due to their enhanced surface area and high chemical reactivity have been a boon, ranging from micro to macro . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering (ijame)]

Ahead of Print  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 06-Feb-2025
Meghna Chaudhary, Monika,
AbstractPlastics are high molecular weight materials composed of repeating polymer units and can be classified based on factors like chemical composition, . . .

[This section belongs to International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering (ijame)]