Design of a SmartMesh IP Network with Wireless Motes and GUI Control

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Marc Kamsu

Shensheng Tang

Yi Zheng

  1. Professor St Cloud State University St Cloud USA
  2. Associate Professor St Cloud State University St Cloud USA
  3. Professor St Cloud State University St Cloud USA


SmartMesh IP is an innovative way to connect smart devices with advanced network management and comprehensive security features. SmartMesh IP delivers reliable, scalable, and energy efficient wireless sensor connectivity. In recent years, SmartMesh IP has become the industry’s most energy- efficient wireless mesh sensing technology even in harsh and dynamically changing radio frequency (RF) environments. This paper proposes a SmartMesh IP network system that consists of a network manager and a group of motes. The network manager monitors and manages network performance and security, and exchanges data with a host application. The motes are the wireless nodes that have built-in sensors and can collect and relay data from/to other motes or from/to the network manager. The proposed system is implemented the system through hardware integration, firmware design, and software development, as well as system testing. Through various experiments, the software, firmware, and hardware platforms have been shown to be able to fully configure the SmartMesh IP devices and get them to perform real-world applications such as monitoring the environment temperature at different places within the SmartMesh IP network. By using internal or external temperature sensors, the platforms developed in C# programming have shown to successfully achieve the temperature data collection and the network topology viewing. The temperature data can be monitored by the system dynamically with respect to the real time. The developed network topology platform can be used to visualize the communicating nodes and the links among them in the SmartMesh IP network. The proposed design and implementation method can provide practical reference for the development and industrial application of SmartMesh IP networks.

Keywords: SmartMesh IP, Network manager, Mote, C# programming, Hardware integration, Firmware design, GUI

How to cite this article: Marc Kamsu, Shensheng Tang, Yi Zheng. Design of a SmartMesh IP Network with Wireless Motes and GUI Control. Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Marc Kamsu, Shensheng Tang, Yi Zheng. Design of a SmartMesh IP Network with Wireless Motes and GUI Control. Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received July 24, 2022
Accepted August 15, 2021
Published January 15, 2023