Hydrogen-based Steel Making – The future?

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : –

Santosh Kumar,

  1. Deputy General Manager, R&D Centre for Iron and Steel (Steel Authority of India Limited), Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand, India


The largest energy consumer i.e. 5% of global energy consumption and 7% of global CO2 emissions are produced by the iron and steel sector. The steel industry is a significant contributor to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, largely due to the use of carbon as a reducing agent in the production of virgin steel. The main cause of these emissions is the decrease in iron ore. While recycling scrap steel in electric arc furnaces (EAFs) can help reduce demand for virgin steel, global demand for high-quality steel is expected to rise with economic growth and technological advancement. Therefore, technical solutions to reduce emissions from iron ore-based steelmaking are critical. Using hydrogen (H2) instead of carbon for the direct reduction of iron oxide/ore in steelmaking, combined with EAFs, presents a promising path toward fossil-free steel production. Hydrogen reduction of iron ore is theoretically feasible from a thermodynamic and kinetic perspective, but it remains an immature technology requiring significant research and development (R&D) to overcome processing challenges. Hydrogen based iron and steelmaking holds significant potential for reducing CO2 emissions in the steel industry, but it is not yet a mature technology. The transition to hydrogen reduction will require extensive R&D, substantial investment in new infrastructure, and a reliable supply of low-cost, low-carbon hydrogen. As global efforts to expand renewable energy capacity continue, the feasibility and economic competitiveness of hydrogen-based steelmaking are likely to improve, making it a crucial component of a low-carbon future. he paper uses a combination of microeconomic analysis and technical assessment to evaluate the future role of hydrogen-based iron and steel production as well as its possible impact on global material flows.

Keywords: Direct reduced iron; blast furnace; hydrogen; steel making; CO2 emission; energy consumption

[This article belongs to Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering (jomme)]

How to cite this article:
Santosh Kumar. Hydrogen-based Steel Making – The future?. Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering. 2024; 14(02):-.
How to cite this URL:
Santosh Kumar. Hydrogen-based Steel Making – The future?. Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering. 2024; 14(02):-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jomme/article=2024/view=177377


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received 15/05/2024
Accepted 12/07/2024
Published 20/08/2024

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