Suraksha Sathi: An Innovative SOS Application for Personal Safety

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 03 | Page : 21-30

Prathmesh Krishna Aghao1,

Savani Mahendra Balkawade,

Kartik Sandeep Bende,

Tejas Thakare,

Pratap Nair,

  1. Student,, K C College of Engineering and Management studies and Research, Thane,, Maharashtra,, India
  2. Student,, K C College of Engineering and Management studies and Research, Thane,, Maharashtra,, India
  3. Student,, K C College of Engineering and Management studies and Research, Thane,, Maharashtra,, India
  4. Student,, K C College of Engineering and Management studies and Research, Thane,, Maharashtra,, India
  5. Mentor,, K C College of Engineering and Management studies and Research, Thane,, Maharashtra,, India


Even in this increasingly connected age, personal safety is still of utmost importance. A smartphone software called Suraksha Sathi makes use of cutting-edge technology to improve user safety. Its SOS function uses geolocation to determine the precise location of users, facilitating prompt replies from people and emergency agencies. It is built using flutter and dart and includes REST APIs for data sharing, location services APIs, and Google Maps. The development environment is Visual Studio, while Firebase securely maintains user accounts and data. Suraksha Sathi, an iOS and Android compatible app, offers comfort and support during emergencies. A section on mental health, preventing suicide, and help-seeking behavior is included in the article. In an emergency, the software can notify contacts and law enforcement by text message (SMS) about the user’s position, guaranteeing timely aid. Personal safety has emerged as a top priority in today’s world, particularly in light of the rising frequency of emergencies and erratic circumstances. Mobile technology has developed in response to this, providing people in need of quick assistance with real-time solutions. An inventive SOS app called “Suraksha Sathi” gives users a quick and simple way to notify contacts and emergency services when they’re in danger, hence improving personal safety. This article discusses how Suraksha Sathi intends to transform personal safety through its clever design and accessibility, outlining its salient features, benefits, and technological foundation.

Keywords: SOS, Safety, Mobile Application, Android, Alert message, Personal safety

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems (rtecs)]

How to cite this article:
Prathmesh Krishna Aghao1, Savani Mahendra Balkawade, Kartik Sandeep Bende, Tejas Thakare, Pratap Nair. Suraksha Sathi: An Innovative SOS Application for Personal Safety. Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems. 2024; 11(03):21-30.
How to cite this URL:
Prathmesh Krishna Aghao1, Savani Mahendra Balkawade, Kartik Sandeep Bende, Tejas Thakare, Pratap Nair. Suraksha Sathi: An Innovative SOS Application for Personal Safety. Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems. 2024; 11(03):21-30. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received August 10, 2024
Accepted August 25, 2024
Published October 1, 2024

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