Harnessing the Potential of Virtual Instrumentation

Year : 2024 | Volume :10 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-15

Krishnapriya M,

Farsana Muhammed,

  1. MTech Scholar,, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, TKMCE,, Kollam,, India
  2. Assistant Professor,, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, TKMCE,, Kollam,, India


The Virtual Instrument (VI) uses custom software and hardware to create a user-defined measurement system, called a Virtual Instrument. Virtual instruments are similar to traditional instruments, such as multimeters, oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, and data acquisition systems. It has great flexibility, high performance, flexibility and low cost. Primarily, it consists of a personal computer or workstation, and Vi software such as LabVIEW, NI DAQmx, and MATLAB. This modular hardware includes data acquisition boards, signal conditioners, actuators, and finally, running software, which is used to let the VI software communicate with the hardware, according to the smart algorithms in the virtual system Through integrating so, it can clarify how these algorithms contribute to real-time data acquisition, analysis, and control strategies. This paper explores the use of VI, in different industries and its fusion with intelligent systems and automation, aiming to show that virtual instrumentation integrated with intelligent systems emerged as a modern automation cornerstone, which revolutionized industries and these industries’ manufacturing. In VI-based automation technologies, which also explore the integration of smart-virtual instrumentation in areas such as transportation and environmental control, the paper presents an emphasis on development and improvement opportunities.

Keywords: VI (Virtual Instrumentation), LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench), MATLAB(matrix laboratory), wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM), High Voltage Power Devices (HVPD),Virtual Instrumentation System(VIS)

[This article belongs to Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technologies (jomet)]

How to cite this article:
Krishnapriya M, Farsana Muhammed. Harnessing the Potential of Virtual Instrumentation. Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technologies. 2024; 10(01):1-15.
How to cite this URL:
Krishnapriya M, Farsana Muhammed. Harnessing the Potential of Virtual Instrumentation. Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technologies. 2024; 10(01):1-15. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jomet/article=2024/view=176045


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 10
Issue 01
Received 23/05/2024
Accepted 27/05/2024
Published 15/06/2024

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