Butrin to Tackle Retinoblastoma – A Clinical Hypothesis †

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Rakshana Manikandan,

M. Mala,

G. Manikandan,

Prakash Vaithyanathan,

  1. Trustee, Tagore Educational Trust, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  2. Chairperson and Managing Trustee, Tagore Educational Trust, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  3. Secretary, Tagore Educational Trust, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  4. Science Teacher and Innovator, L.B road, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Breach of association of legumain protein activities to the corresponding cellular components results in over-expression of legumain, and constitutes a key biomarker for a variety of life-threatening sicknesses like cancer, Alzheimer’s/Parkinson’s, and acute kidney injury. To suppress the over-expression of legumain, it is hypothesized that a water-soluble and edible biomolecule, namely, butrin (7, 3’, 4’-trihydroxy flavanone-7, 3’-diglucoside), may have therapeutic potential owing to its special ability to bind to the key catalytic sites of legumain, discovered through bioinformatic studies. Insights into the docking structure of butrin were provided with emphasis on the relative binding abilities of various hydroxyl groups of butrin with the amino acid residues of the legumain protein.

Keywords: Butrin, Legumain, molecular level interaction, biomarker, cancer tumor, Alzheimer’s disease, acute kidney injury

How to cite this article: Rakshana Manikandan, M. Mala, G. Manikandan, Prakash Vaithyanathan. Butrin to Tackle Retinoblastoma – A Clinical Hypothesis †. International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Rakshana Manikandan, M. Mala, G. Manikandan, Prakash Vaithyanathan. Butrin to Tackle Retinoblastoma – A Clinical Hypothesis †. International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering. 2024; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijame/article=2024/view=172066

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Ahead of Print Subscription Perspective, opinion, and Commentary
Received September 10, 2024
Accepted September 14, 2024
Published September 14, 2024

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