Determining the Optimal Thickness of Canal Lining for Enhanced Durability and Efficiency

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 44-49

Birendra Kumar Singh,

  1. Professor Department of Civil Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India


The thickness of canal lining plays a crucial role in preventing soil erosion caused by the thrust of water
exerted in the canal due to standing water and the velocity of water flow. An optimally designed lining
must be robust enough to withstand these forces while ensuring minimal seepage and maintaining the
structural integrity of the canal. Various materials are used for canal lining, each with its own
advantages and suitability for different conditions. Common lining materials include concrete, which
offers high durability and resistance to water flow; geomembranes, which are flexible and provide
excellent impermeability; and compacted clay, which is cost-effective and environmentally friendly. The
choice of lining material and its thickness depends on several factors such as the type of soil, water
pressure, environmental conditions, and economic considerations. By effectively selecting and applying
the appropriate lining material, it is possible to enhance the canal’s efficiency, reduce maintenance
costs, and ensure a sustainable water management system. This study explores the different materials
used for canal lining, the factors influencing the choice and thickness of the lining, and the benefits of
proper lining in ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of canal systems.

Keywords: Canal, depth of standing water, velocity of flow of water, thickness of lining

[This article belongs to Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology(joost)]

How to cite this article: Birendra Kumar Singh. Determining the Optimal Thickness of Canal Lining for Enhanced Durability and Efficiency. Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology. 2024; 11(02):44-49.
How to cite this URL: Birendra Kumar Singh. Determining the Optimal Thickness of Canal Lining for Enhanced Durability and Efficiency. Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology. 2024; 11(02):44-49. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received July 25, 2024
Accepted August 31, 2024
Published August 3, 2024

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