Artificial Intelligence for Real-time Water Management

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 13-20

Yamini N. Deshvena,

Sushmita M. Deshpande,

  1. Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Department, Shri Shivji Institute of Engineering & Management Studies, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student Civil Engineering Department, Shreeyash College of Engineering and Technology, Parbhani, Maharashtra, Indi


Effective water management is vital for sustainable development, requiring the strategic allocation and
utilization of water resources to satisfy the diverse demands of agriculture, industry, and households.
Traditional methods are increasingly inadequate due to escalating challenges from climate change and
population growth, which amplify water scarcity and distribution issues. To overcome these challenges,
we need innovative solutions. Artificial intelligence offers significant potential in revolutionizing realtime water management through advanced techniques such as predictive analytics, optimization
algorithms, and automated decision-making. This abstract explores how artificial intelligence
technologies, such as machine learning, neural networks, and data-driven models, are used to develop
advanced water management systems. By integrating artificial intelligence with Internet of Things
sensors and remote sensing technologies, these systems provide continuous, real-time monitoring of
water quality and availability. These technologies can forecast demand and supply variations, allowing
for more efficient and effective management of water distribution networks. Furthermore, artificial
intelligence–driven systems optimize water resource allocation, ensuring that each sector receives the
necessary amount without wastage. These systems excel at identifying and responding to emerging
issues, such as potential droughts or floods, allowing for proactive mitigation. Numerous case studies
demonstrate the practical benefits of artificial intelligence in water management. For example,
artificial intelligence has been effectively used to reduce water wastage through precise leak detection
and repair, improve irrigation efficiency by adjusting water delivery based on real-time soil moisture
data, and mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events through predictive modeling. In agriculture,
artificial intelligence-driven irrigation systems have significantly enhanced crop yields by providing
optimal watering schedules. In urban environments, artificial intelligence has helped manage stormwater
and reduce flooding risks by optimizing drainage systems based on weather forecasts. Adopting artificial
intelligence-driven water management systems not only promotes sustainable resource usage but also
strengthens resilience to environmental changes, supporting global water security goals. By leveraging
artificial intelligence technologies, we can address the limitations of traditional water management
approaches and develop more robust, adaptive, and efficient systems that contribute to sustainable
development and environmental stewardship.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, AI, real-time monitoring, water resource management, IoT sensors, optimization algorithms, smart water management, real-time data analysis

[This article belongs to Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management(jowrem)]

How to cite this article: Yamini N. Deshvena, Sushmita M. Deshpande. Artificial Intelligence for Real-time Water Management. Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management. 2024; 11(02):13-20.
How to cite this URL: Yamini N. Deshvena, Sushmita M. Deshpande. Artificial Intelligence for Real-time Water Management. Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management. 2024; 11(02):13-20. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received July 15, 2024
Accepted July 24, 2024
Published July 26, 2024

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