Historical Development and Potentiality of LED-fluorimeter

Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 01 | Page : 14-21

D.P.S. Rathore,

  1. Ex- Scientific Officer -G Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research, Department of Atomic Energy, Jaipur Rajasthan India


Pulsed LED-fluorimetry is a highly sensitive, versatile, and well-documented field technique for the
direct determination of uranium in water samples at the μgL-1
levels. Pulsed LED-fluorimetry has been utilized to assess uranium in a variety of matrices, including mineralized rocks, ores, beneficiation
products, and other matrices, without the need for any kind of separation method. Using the high
sensitivity of pulsed LED-fluorimetry, interferences from related and auxiliary elements are removed
by a straightforward one-step dilution of the sample aliquots using push-button microliter pipettes,
bringing the uranium concentration within the instrument’s operating range. To improve the
fluorescence, the measurement was carried out using the differential technique method, which uses a
more appropriate acidic buffer mixture of H3PO4-NH4H2PO4 (pH ~2.5, with H3PO4 at 1 M and
NH4H2PO4 at 2.17 M). In fact, it is the design of the entire experimental procedure in such a way that
for very diluted sample solutions, the prefilter (species absorbing at the laser wavelength of 337 nm,
LED wavelength of excitation at 400 nm) and postfilter (species absorbing at the maximum fluorescence
wavelengths, 480-560 nm) effects are negligible (which is verified by spectrophotometry). The
differential technique is a self-standardized methodology traceable to international standards. This
paper describes the historical development and potentiality of versatile portable LED-Fluorimeter
available in the market in the world as on today for reliable measurement of uranium in water, rocks,
minerals, concentrates, and other diverse matrices.

Keywords: LED fluorimeter, Development of instrumentation, Uranium, Water, Rocks, Minerals, Concentrates and diverse matrices

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics(rrjophy)]

How to cite this article: D.P.S. Rathore. Historical Development and Potentiality of LED-fluorimeter. Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics. 2024; 13(01):14-21.
How to cite this URL: D.P.S. Rathore. Historical Development and Potentiality of LED-fluorimeter. Research & Reviews : Journal of Physics. 2024; 13(01):14-21. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rrjophy/article=2024/view=170424


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 13
Issue 01
Received June 14, 2024
Accepted July 1, 2024
Published August 2, 2024

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