Heterocyclic Substituted Flavones: Bridging Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Satish Kumar Sarankar,

Sohit Lal,

  1. Professor & Principal Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansarovar Global University, Sehore, MP- India


Heterocyclic substituted flavones represent a unique and promising class of flavonoid
derivatives, gaining significant attention in recent years due to their diverse and enhanced
biological activities. These compounds are characterized by the incorporation of heterocyclic
moieties such as quinoline, pyridine, thiazole, imidazole, oxazole, and pyrazole into the
flavone structure, which significantly alters and often enhances their bioactive properties.
This structural modification has made heterocyclic flavones particularly appealing as
candidates for therapeutic applications. The inclusion of heterocyclic groups in flavones not
only diversifies their chemical structure but also imparts a wide range of biological activities.
Among these, their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and neuroprotective
properties stand out, with particular emphasis on their potential as anticancer agents.
Moreover, the mechanisms underlying the biological activities of heterocyclic flavones are
explored, offering insights into how these compounds interact at the molecular level to exert
their effects. This understanding is crucial for the rational design of new derivatives with
improved efficacy and selectivity.
The growing interest in heterocyclic flavones is fueled by their potential to address various
unmet medical needs, particularly in the development of new drugs and therapeutic agents.
This review highlights the importance of continued research in this field, particularly
focusing on innovative modifications that could unveil new biological activities. By
expanding our knowledge of flavonoid chemistry and the therapeutic applications of
heterocyclic flavones, there is a significant opportunity to develop novel treatments that could
benefit patients across a range of conditions.

Keywords: Flavone derivatives, Heterocyclic Substituted Flavones, Anticancer Potential, Therapeutic Applications, Structure-Activity Relationships.

How to cite this article: Satish Kumar Sarankar, Sohit Lal. Heterocyclic Substituted Flavones: Bridging Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry. International Journal of Tropical Medicines. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Satish Kumar Sarankar, Sohit Lal. Heterocyclic Substituted Flavones: Bridging Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry. International Journal of Tropical Medicines. 2024; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijtm/article=2024/view=170399


Ahead of Print Subscription Review Article
Received August 13, 2024
Accepted August 30, 2024
Published September 4, 2024

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