The Role of Food Security in Ensuring a Sustainable Future for India

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 28-32

Mala Sharma,

  1. Assistant Professor Sidharth GDC Nadaun, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh India


Food security is pivotal in shaping a sustainable future for India, a nation grappling with rapid population growth, environmental challenges, and resource constraints. This paper investigates the integral role of food security in promoting sustainable development across the Indian subcontinent. The study delves into the interplay between food security and various sustainability dimensions, including agricultural practices, climate resilience, and equitable distribution of resources. It evaluates current policies and programs aimed at enhancing agricultural productivity, reducing food waste, and building robust food supply chains. The research highlights innovative approaches and technological advancements that can bolster food security while supporting environmental sustainability. By analyzing recent trends and case studies, the paper illustrates how effective food security strategies can drive broader goals of sustainable development, such as poverty alleviation, health improvements, and ecological balance. The findings underscore the necessity of a holistic approach that integrates food security with broader environmental and social policies to foster long-term resilience. Ultimately, this paper provides actionable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders on navigating the complex landscape of food security to achieve a more sustainable and equitable future for India

Keywords: : Food security, sustainable development, agricultural productivity, climate resilience, resource management

[This article belongs to Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis(jocc)]

How to cite this article: Mala Sharma. The Role of Food Security in Ensuring a Sustainable Future for India. Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis. 2024; 11(01):28-32.
How to cite this URL: Mala Sharma. The Role of Food Security in Ensuring a Sustainable Future for India. Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis. 2024; 11(01):28-32. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received August 13, 2024
Accepted August 14, 2024
Published September 4, 2024

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