Artificial Intelligence Based Portable Robot Device for Autonomous Venepuncture

Year : 2024 | Volume :02 | Issue : 01 | Page : 35-38

Nadiminti Venkata Ramana Murty,

Sireesh Aryasomayajula,

  1. Head of Department Department of CSE(AI&ML) Engineering & Technology Program, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree and PG Courses Andhra Pradesh India
  2. Professor Department of Pathology, GVP Medical College, Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh India


Venepuncture is a source of medical hurt and is necessary for a wide range of therapeutic procedures. Venpuncture-related complications worsen in difficult settings, where the success rate is largely dependent on the physiology of the patient and the skill of the practitioner. It is difficult to find the vein for infants, adolescent girls, obese and elderly people and it is causing severe pain in the traditional manual blood drawing system. In this research work, a novel idea entitled “Artificial Intelligence based Portable Robot for Autonomous Venepuncture (AIPRAV)” is proposed that can automatically detect the Human Vein, Inserts Needle and Draws pre-defined amount of blood without causing any pain (by spraying local anesthesia) and without any human intervention. By creating a peripheral line for both IV drugs and blood draws, this automated equipment promotes procedure safety and accuracy. The apparatus comprises a robotic needle, computer vision software, and a near-infrared imaging system all enclosed in a portable shell. An LCD display allows users to view the device’s real-time activity progress. In order to guide the needle into an exact vein, the gadget works by imaging and recording the 3D spatial coordinates of superficial veins in real-time.

Keywords: Venepuncture, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Venepuncture, Portable Robot

[This article belongs to International Journal of Advanced Robotics and Automation Technology(ijarat)]

How to cite this article: Nadiminti Venkata Ramana Murty, Sireesh Aryasomayajula. Artificial Intelligence Based Portable Robot Device for Autonomous Venepuncture. International Journal of Advanced Robotics and Automation Technology. 2024; 02(01):35-38.
How to cite this URL: Nadiminti Venkata Ramana Murty, Sireesh Aryasomayajula. Artificial Intelligence Based Portable Robot Device for Autonomous Venepuncture. International Journal of Advanced Robotics and Automation Technology. 2024; 02(01):35-38. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 02
Issue 01
Received May 24, 2024
Accepted June 19, 2024
Published September 3, 2024

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