Kinetics of Soil Contaminant Degradation Enhanced by Jatropha Tanjorensis Leaf Bio-Stimulant

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 01-06

Ukpaka, Chukwuemeka Peter,

  1. Professor Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering, Rivers State University Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria


The data obtained from the experiment show a high viability of the plant extracts in the biodegradation process, the maximum specific rate was determined. Also, application of Michael Menten’s equation were also applied, the maximum dissociation rate constant was obtained from lineweaver bulk plot, for both sun-dried and room dried at 100 g of CPED and CPEL as RMAX to be 1000 ppmday-1 and 555.55 ppmday-1 whereas KPTH 3190.16 ppm-1 and 5316.8 ppm-1 for loamy soil and Rmax 476.1905 ppmday-1 and 500.672 ppmday-1 while KTPH 2022.399 ppm-1 and 1890.2 ppm-1 for sand soil. Hence the result obtained reveal that the remediant with the high dissociation constant (loamy soil) has performed brilliantly than the other plant extract. The mass of the biostimulant was varied from 20 g to 100 g and the performance of the remediants were monitored in each bioreactor with respect to the total petroleum hydrocarbon degradation with increase in contact time. Regression equation obtained in each bioreactor experience was used in the determination of the slope and the intercept value as well as substituted in the determination of the functional parameters and coefficients. The significance of the biokinetics concepts in the bioremediation system is to evaluate the kinetic parameters, which include the specific rate of total petroleum hydrocarbon degradation, maximum specific rate of total petroleum hydrocarbon degradation as well as the equilibrium constant of the total petroleum hydrocarn.

Keywords: Bio-kinetic, contaminants, degradation, soil, Jatropha tanjorensis leaf, bio-stimulant

[This article belongs to Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis(jocc)]

How to cite this article: Ukpaka, Chukwuemeka Peter. Kinetics of Soil Contaminant Degradation Enhanced by Jatropha Tanjorensis Leaf Bio-Stimulant. Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis. 2024; 11(01):01-06.
How to cite this URL: Ukpaka, Chukwuemeka Peter. Kinetics of Soil Contaminant Degradation Enhanced by Jatropha Tanjorensis Leaf Bio-Stimulant. Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis. 2024; 11(01):01-06. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received July 25, 2024
Accepted July 31, 2024
Published September 4, 2024

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