Polymer Nanocomposites: Cutting-Edge Material for The Aviation Sector

Open Access

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Dr. Rama Sharma,

  1. Associate Professor Department of Chemistry, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh India


Due to current market demands and a need to produce structural materials for use in both military and civilian aircraft more efficiently, the aerospace industry is always pushing for higher productivity. The design and manufacturing of aeronautical components in the present and the future are heavily reliant on materials of the polymer composite class. The building of many airplane components uses polymer composites, which are generally helpful. Based on their mechanical characteristics, these materials may be used in airplane building. Throughout maintenance cycles, replacing metal parts and components with polymer composite-based parts is becoming more and more common in both commercial and recreational aviation. Polymer composite-based components are quickly replacing metal parts during maintenance cycles in both private and commercial aviation. In aircraft applications, carbon fiber is typically the most commonly utilized polymer composite. The aerospace industry has used fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) composite materials to create extremely strong, lightweight, and thermally resistant materials for aircraft structures. The use of composite materials in the production of various aerospace components has led to significant weight reduction roughly 30% around the world. Aeronautic applications of composites encounter a number of difficulties, including the need for high precision and low volume. Consequently, the development of expensive technologies is required.

Keywords: Polymer nanocomposites, aerospace industry, carbon fiber, fiber-reinforced polymers, challenges

How to cite this article: Dr. Rama Sharma. Polymer Nanocomposites: Cutting-Edge Material for The Aviation Sector. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Dr. Rama Sharma. Polymer Nanocomposites: Cutting-Edge Material for The Aviation Sector. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jopc/article=2024/view=170237

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Mohammed L, Ansari MNM, Pua G, Jawaid M, Islam MS, others. A review on natural fiber reinforced polymer composite and its applications. Int J Polym Sci. 2015;2015. Al-Oqla FM, Sapuan SM. Natural fiber reinforced polymer composites in industrial applications: feasibility of date palm fibers for sustainable automotive industry. J Clean Prod. 2014;66:347–54. Jaszkiewicz A, Meljon A, Bledzki AK. Mechanical and thermomechanical properties of PLA/Man-made cellulose green composites modified with functional chain extenders—A comprehensive study. Polym Compos. 2018;39(5):1716–23. Zhu Y, Romain C, Williams CK. Sustainable polymers from renewable resources. Nature. 2016;540(7633):354–62. Rohit K, Dixit S. A review-future aspect of natural fiber reinforced composite. Polym from Renew Resour. 2016;7(2):43–59. Du J, Cheng H-M. The fabrication, properties, and uses of graphene/polymer composites. Macromol Chem Phys. 2012;213(10–11):1060–77. Nasir M, Hashim R, Sulaiman O, Gupta A, Khan TA, Jawaid M, et al. Natural fiber improvement by laccase; optimization, characterization and application in medium density fiberboard. J Nat fibers. 2017;14(3):379–89. Meng L-Y, Park S-J. Influence of carbon nanofibers on electrochemical properties of carbon nanofibers/glass fibers composites. Curr Appl Phys. 2013;13(4):640–4. Wang J, Shi SQ, Liang K. Comparative life-cycle assessment of sheet molding compound reinforced by natural fiber vs. glass fiber. J Agric Sci Technol B. 2013;3(7B):493. Bharath KN, Basavarajappa S. Applications of biocomposite materials based on natural fibers from renewable resources: a review. Sci Eng Compos Mater. 2016;23(2):123–33. 11.       Hu J, Hu R, Yuan C, Duan B, Huang M, Luo X. Fabrication and thermal characterization of the modularized thermal storage unit. IEEE Trans Components, Packag Manuf Technol. 2016;6(8):1198–207. Ahmad F, Choi HS, Park MK. A review: natural fiber composites selection in view of mechanical, light weight, and economic properties. Macromol Mater Eng. 2015;300(1):10–24. Khoshnava SM, Rostami R, Ismail M, Rahmat AR, Ogunbode BE. Woven hybrid Biocomposite: Mechanical properties of woven kenaf bast fibre/oil palm empty fruit bunches hybrid reinforced poly hydroxybutyrate biocomposite as non-structural building materials. Constr Build Mater. 2017;154:155–66. Zhou W, Zuo J, Zhang X, Zhou A. Thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties of hexagonal boron nitride–reinforced epoxy composites. J Compos Mater. 2014;48(20):2517–26. Irving PE, Soutis C. Polymer composites in the aerospace industry. Woodhead Publishing; 2019. Liu Y, Du H, Liu L, Leng J. Shape memory polymers and their composites in aerospace applications: a review. Smart Mater Struct. 2014;23(2):23001. Giurgiutiu V. Structural health monitoring of aerospace composites. 2015; Saba N, Md Tahir P, Jawaid M. A review on potentiality of nano filler/natural fiber filled polymer hybrid composites. Polymers (Basel). 2014;6(8):2247–73. Riccio A, Cristiano R, Saputo S, Sellitto A. Numerical methodologies for simulating bird-strike on composite wings. Compos Struct. 2018;202:590–602. Hedayati R, Ziaei-Rad S. New bird model for simulation of bird strike on various layups used in transparent components of rotorcrafts. J Aerosp Eng. 2014;27(1):76–85. Azizi A, Gadinski MR, Li Q, AlSaud MA, Wang J, Wang Y, et al. High-performance polymers sandwiched with chemical vapor deposited hexagonal boron nitrides as scalable high-temperature dielectric materials. Adv Mater. 2017;29(35):1701864. DUPONT K. Technical Guide Kevlar Aramid Fiber. 2016.

  1. Feher L. Advancing composites in automotive by electromagnetic processing. Process Prop Adv Ceram Compos VII Ceram Trans Vol 252. 2015;21–32.
  2. Tang S, Hu C. Design, preparation and properties of carbon fiber reinforced ultra-high temperature ceramic composites for aerospace applications: a review. J Mater Sci & Technol. 2017;33(2):117–30.
  3. Frketic J, Dickens T, Ramakrishnan S. Automated manufacturing and processing of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites: An additive review of contemporary and modern techniques for advanced materials manufacturing. Addit Manuf. 2017;14:69–86.
  4. Liu Q, Jrad M, Mulani SB, Kapania RK. Integrated global wing and local panel optimization of aircraft wing. In: 56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. 2015. p. 137.
  5. Bai J. Advanced fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for structural applications. Woodhead Publishing; 2022.
  6. Kim Y-J, Han J-H. Identification of acoustic characteristics of honeycomb sandwich composite panels using hybrid analytical/finite element method. J Vib Acoust. 2013;135(1):11006.
  7. Rawal SP. Metal-matrix composites for space applications. Jom. 2001;53(4):14–7.
  8.  Kling U, Empl D, Boegler O, Isikveren AT. Future aircraft wing structures using renewable materials. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft-und Raumfahrt-Lilienthal-Oberth eV; 2015.
  9. Ghori SW, Siakeng R, Rasheed M, Saba N, Jawaid M. The role of advanced polymer materials in aerospace. In: Sustainable composites for aerospace applications. Elsevier; 2018. p. 19–34.
  10. Santos CV dos, Leiva DR, Costa FR, Gregolin JAR. Materials selection for sustainable executive aircraft interiors. Mater Res. 2016;19:339–52.

33.  Zou Z, Qin Y, Tian Q, Huang Z, Zhao Z. The influence of zirconia fibre on ablative composite materials. Plast Rubber Compos. 2019;48(5):185–90. 34.

  1. Mohammed L, Ansari MNM, Pua G, Jawaid M, Islam MS, others. A review on natural fiber reinforced polymer composite and its applications. Int J Polym Sci. 2015;2015.
  2. Al-Oqla FM, Sapuan SM. Natural fiber reinforced polymer composites in industrial applications: feasibility of date palm fibers for sustainable automotive industry. J Clean Prod. 2014;66:347–54.
  3. Jaszkiewicz A, Meljon A, Bledzki AK. Mechanical and thermomechanical properties of PLA/Man-made cellulose green composites modified with functional chain extenders—A comprehensive study. Polym Compos. 2018;39(5):1716–23.
  4. Zhu Y, Romain C, Williams CK. Sustainable polymers from renewable resources. Nature. 2016;540(7633):354–62.
  5. Rohit K, Dixit S. A review-future aspect of natural fiber reinforced composite. Polym from Renew Resour. 2016;7(2):43–59.
  6. Du J, Cheng H-M. The fabrication, properties, and uses of graphene/polymer composites. Macromol Chem Phys. 2012;213(10–11):1060–77.
  7. Nasir M, Hashim R, Sulaiman O, Gupta A, Khan TA, Jawaid M, et al. Natural fiber improvement by laccase; optimization, characterization and application in medium density fiberboard. J Nat fibers. 2017;14(3):379–89.
  8. Meng L-Y, Park S-J. Influence of carbon nanofibers on electrochemical properties of carbon nanofibers/glass fibers composites. Curr Appl Phys. 2013;13(4):640–4.
  9. Wang J, Shi SQ, Liang K. Comparative life-cycle assessment of sheet molding compound reinforced by natural fiber vs. glass fiber. J Agric Sci Technol B. 2013;3(7B):493.
  10. Bharath KN, Basavarajappa S. Applications of biocomposite materials based on natural fibers from renewable resources: a review. Sci Eng Compos Mater. 2016;23(2):123–33.
  11. Hu J, Hu R, Yuan C, Duan B, Huang M, Luo X. Fabrication and thermal characterization of the modularized thermal storage unit. IEEE Trans Components, Packag Manuf Technol. 2016;6(8):1198–207.
  12. Ahmad F, Choi HS, Park MK. A review: natural fiber composites selection in view of mechanical, light weight, and economic properties. Macromol Mater Eng. 2015;300(1):10–24.
  13. Khoshnava SM, Rostami R, Ismail M, Rahmat AR, Ogunbode BE. Woven hybrid Biocomposite: Mechanical properties of woven kenaf bast fibre/oil palm empty fruit bunches hybrid reinforced poly hydroxybutyrate biocomposite as non-structural building materials. Constr Build Mater. 2017;154:155–66.
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Ahead of Print Open Access Review Article
Received May 1, 2024
Accepted June 3, 2024
Published August 31, 2024

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