Spectroscopic and Thermal Investigations of Barium Tartrate Crystals Grown in Agar-Agar Gel

Year : 2024 | Volume :01 | Issue : 01 | Page : –

Bharat Raval,

Paresh V. Dalal,

Rajesh Kumar Katare3,

  1. Teacher Department of Physics, Seva Sadan Mahavidhyalay ,Burhanpur Madhya Pradesh India
  2. Vice Principle Department of Physics, V.S. Naik College Raver, Jalgaon Maharashtra India
  3. Professor Department of Physics, SAGE University Indore, Indore Madhya Pradesh India


Barium tartrate chargers were synthesized using the gel system with a single prolixity fashion at room temperature in a 1 w/ v agar- agar gel as the growth medium. The reactants, 1M BaCl₂ (dihydrate) and 1M disodium tartrate, were introduced into the gel and allowed to interact for a period of 25 days. Completely developed white, candescent, spherulitic-structured chargers of barium tartrate were gathered later. Infrared spectroscopy( FTIR) revealed characteristic peaks at 3065.7, 2875.6, and 2735.9 cm- 1 indicating hydration water, a peak at 1589 cm- 1 corresponding to free carbonyl stretching,1382.8 cm- 1 due to> C =O symmetric vibration, and peaks at 751.1 and 689.6 cm- 1 indicating essence- oxygen stretching. The maximum weight of a single demitasse reached roughly 95 mg, showing well- defined morphology. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis verified the liquid nature of the samples, revealing an orthorhombic demitasse system with a unit cell volume of 5671 Å ³. Thermal analysis( TGA and DTA) supported the presence of water moves within the demitasse chassis, with dehumidification being around 306 ℃ and corruption into oxide observed between 400 to 600 ℃. This study represents the first reported case of pure barium tartrate chargers grown in agar- agar gel, as substantiated by the absence of previous literature on this content.

Keywords: Agar- agar gel, Crystal growth, Barium Tartrates, FTIR, XRD, TGA, DTA.

[This article belongs to International Journal of Universe(iju)]

How to cite this article: Bharat Raval, Paresh V. Dalal, Rajesh Kumar Katare3. Spectroscopic and Thermal Investigations of Barium Tartrate Crystals Grown in Agar-Agar Gel. International Journal of Universe. 2024; 01(01):-.
How to cite this URL: Bharat Raval, Paresh V. Dalal, Rajesh Kumar Katare3. Spectroscopic and Thermal Investigations of Barium Tartrate Crystals Grown in Agar-Agar Gel. International Journal of Universe. 2024; 01(01):-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/iju/article=2024/view=170026


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 01
Issue 01
Received July 19, 2024
Accepted August 7, 2024
Published August 31, 2024

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