Artificial Intelligence in Smart Dairy Farming (SDF)

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 16-20

Prasanna S. Pattanshetty,

Sunanda Das,

  1. Assistant Professor ECE Department, JCET Hubli Karnataka India
  2. Professor CSE Department, Jain Deemed to be University, Bangalore Karnataka India


Due to increasing demand for quality of milk in dairy farming also for the sustainability, productivity and maintenance of good health of animals. various challenges are faced by dairy farmers and can be addressed using Artificial Intelligence technologies ,By using AI here the individual health ,behavior ,feed management robotic milking and stress free milking system will be implemented .AI technologic implementation will frame the Smart dairy farming in properly and efficiently by collecting mastitis real time data ,optimizing, management inventory demand forecasting ,algorithms and predictive modeling . Using artificial intelligence (AI) technology, Smart Dairy Farming (SDF) is transforming conventional dairy processes. This study examines the several ways artificial intelligence (AI) may be used to improve production, protect animals, and manage dairy farming processes. Important artificial intelligence (AI) methods including computer vision, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are explored in relation to SDF. The use of AI in the dairy sector is also covered in the paper, along with potential obstacles, opportunities and future trends.

Keywords: Smart Dairy farming, artificial intelligence (AI), efficiency, productivity, precision

[This article belongs to Trends in Machine design(tmd)]

How to cite this article: Prasanna S. Pattanshetty, Sunanda Das. Artificial Intelligence in Smart Dairy Farming (SDF). Trends in Machine design. 2024; 11(02):16-20.
How to cite this URL: Prasanna S. Pattanshetty, Sunanda Das. Artificial Intelligence in Smart Dairy Farming (SDF). Trends in Machine design. 2024; 11(02):16-20. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received May 6, 2024
Accepted May 30, 2024
Published August 29, 2024

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