Optimized Structural Design and Prototyping Techniques for Polymer-Matrix Composites in manufacturing

Open Access

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Satpalsing K. Girase,

Keshav Kumar,

Dinesh Bhika Bhadane,

Mahesh Sanjay Bankar,

Bhushan Garade,

  1. Assistant Professor School of Science, Sandip University, Nashik, Maharashtra India
  2. Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sandip University Sijoul Bihar India
  3. Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sandip Institute of Engineering & Management, Nashik Maharashtra India
  4. Assistant Professor Sandip Institute of Technology & Reserch Centre, Nashik Maharashtra India
  5. Assistant Professor School of Science, Sandip University, Nashik, Maharashtra India


Material called polymer-matrix composites (PMCs) have become very important in modern industry because it is strong and light. To get the most out of them, structure construction must be optimized and advanced testing methods must be used. In this brief, the strategies and methods for improving the performance, lowering prices, and speeding up the production process of PMCs through structural design and prototyping are explained. Optimizing structural design starts with having a full idea of the qualities of the materials and how well they need to work. Engineers can model different load situations and make designs better and better until they reach the best setups by using advanced computer tools like finite element analysis (FEA) and computer-aided design (CAD). Using design for manufacturability (DFM) principles also makes sure that the end product can be made with little waste and expense. At the same time, testing methods are very important for making sure that ideas work and for speeding up the development process. Rapid development technologies, such as 3D printing, make it possible to make complex PMC parts much more quickly and accurately than ever before. By making many prototypes quickly, engineers can quickly see if the plan is possible, find any problems, and make any changes that are needed before starting mass production. In addition, using automatic manufacturing methods speeds up output and makes it more consistent. Automated layup methods, like automated tape laying (ATL) and automated fiber placement (AFP), make sure that fibers are oriented correctly and that mistakes are kept to a minimum. This leads to better mechanical features and repeatability. The progress in printing multiple materials now lets us make mixed structures with customized material qualities at the microscale, which gives us even more design options for PMCs. When engineers carefully mix different materials, they can get beneficial effects and get the best results for certain tasks.

Keywords: Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs), Structural design optimization, Prototyping techniques, Rapid manufacturing, Automated layup

How to cite this article: Satpalsing K. Girase, Keshav Kumar, Dinesh Bhika Bhadane, Mahesh Sanjay Bankar, Bhushan Garade. Optimized Structural Design and Prototyping Techniques for Polymer-Matrix Composites in manufacturing. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Satpalsing K. Girase, Keshav Kumar, Dinesh Bhika Bhadane, Mahesh Sanjay Bankar, Bhushan Garade. Optimized Structural Design and Prototyping Techniques for Polymer-Matrix Composites in manufacturing. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/jopc/article=2024/view=168644

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Ahead of Print Open Access Original Research
Received May 16, 2024
Accepted July 3, 2024
Published July 16, 2024

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