Cogeneration System in Concentrated Photovoltaic Panels

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 1-14

C. Armenta -Déu,

  1. Faculty, Department of Physics Complutense University, Madrid (Spain)


This study analyses the behavior of hybrid systems composed of photovoltaic panels (PV) and phase-change materials (PCM) under solar concentration conditions, aiming to generate electric and thermal energy in water simultaneously (cogeneration). This work looks for system performance improvement while increasing the generated power and energy by the PV panel and the thermal system in unison. The study shows the increase in power and energy delivered by the prototype compared to the power supply by conventional configuration without solar concentration. Likewise, the work evaluates the PV panel’s electric energy efficiency and the thermal system performance as a single and combined system. The hybrid PV-PCM-heat exchanger system operates in high-efficiency mode, with typical performance up to 2.1 times higher for the PV panel and 107% more global energy generation. The hybrid system coefficient of performance (COP) evolves from a minimum of 1.017 for standard solar concentration ratio (Cx=1) to a maximum of 1.283 for Cx=3.0; the COP value may rise to 3.5 for solar concentration ratio of 20, matching the performance of the highest efficiency conversion systems.

Keywords: Electric and thermal energy cogeneration; Hybrid energy generation system; Photovoltaic-PCM-Heat exchange device; Efficiency improvement; Coefficient of Performance.

[This article belongs to Journal of Thermal Engineering and Applications(jotea)]

How to cite this article: C. Armenta -Déu. Cogeneration System in Concentrated Photovoltaic Panels. Journal of Thermal Engineering and Applications. 2024; 11(02):1-14.
How to cite this URL: C. Armenta -Déu. Cogeneration System in Concentrated Photovoltaic Panels. Journal of Thermal Engineering and Applications. 2024; 11(02):1-14. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received July 12, 2024
Accepted August 16, 2024
Published August 20, 2024

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