Enhancing Farm Efficiency with IoT-Driven Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 9-15

Somesh Gadekar,

N.M. Wagdarikar,

Vaishnavi Gaigol,

Aditya Dhanorkar,

  1. Student, Department of Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering, Smt. Kashibai Navale College Engineering (SKNCOE) Vadgaon, SPPU, Pune, India
  2. Student, Department of Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering, Smt. Kashibai Navale College Engineering (SKNCOE) Vadgaon, SPPU, Pune, India
  3. Student, Department of Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering, Smt. Kashibai Navale College Engineering (SKNCOE) Vadgaon, SPPU, Pune, India
  4. Student, Department of Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering, Smt. Kashibai Navale College Engineering (SKNCOE) Vadgaon, SPPU, Pune, India


This project proposes an Internet of Things (IoT) solution for enhancing agricultural practices by leveraging real-time data monitoring and analysis. The system utilizes NodeMCU, DHT11, pH sensor, soil moisture sensor, and an LCD display for data collection and visualization. NodeMCU facilitates internet connectivity, enabling the transmission of data to the ThingSpeak platform. Temperature and humidity are measured by the DHT11 sensor, and soil acidity is tracked by the pH sensor. The moisture content of the soil is detected by the soil moisture sensor. Following collection, the data is processed and shown on the LCD display for local monitoring. Additionally, data is sent to ThingSpeak for remote access and analysis via the Virtuino app. Farmers can schedule irrigation, apply fertilizer, and implement crop protection strategies with knowledge when they regularly evaluate soil parameters and environmental conditions. A user-friendly dashboard that is accessible through online or mobile applications provides farmers with convenient access to vital agricultural information. By informing farmers of conditions that deviate from ideal, including low moisture levels or pest infestations, automated alerts, and notifications guarantee a timely responses. This simplified method improves decision-making and makes proactive farm operations management easier, which eventually boosts agricultural output and sustainability. This IoT-based approach offers a cost-effective and efficient means of optimizing agricultural productivity while conserving resources and protecting crops from water-related damage.

Keywords: IoT, NodeMCU, AGRI Soil maintenance, protection of crop, DHT sensors

[This article belongs to Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits(joeecc)]

How to cite this article: Somesh Gadekar, N.M. Wagdarikar, Vaishnavi Gaigol, Aditya Dhanorkar. Enhancing Farm Efficiency with IoT-Driven Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis. Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits. 2024; 14(02):9-15.
How to cite this URL: Somesh Gadekar, N.M. Wagdarikar, Vaishnavi Gaigol, Aditya Dhanorkar. Enhancing Farm Efficiency with IoT-Driven Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis. Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits. 2024; 14(02):9-15. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/joeecc/article=2024/view=168070

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received July 16, 2024
Accepted July 30, 2024
Published August 20, 2024

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