DOCSNAP: Integrating NLP and Computer Vision for Comprehensive Document Summarization

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Mohammed Hafeez M K,

Ayishathul Misriya K S,

Fathima Haifa,

Fathimath Zaziba,

Khatheejathul Aifa,

  1. Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore Karnataka India
  2. Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore Karnataka India
  3. Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore Karnataka India
  4. Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore Karnataka India
  5. Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore Karnataka India


Because of the exponential growth of digital content, sophisticated tools are required for effective data interpretation and administration.. This project harnesses the capabilities of the Gemini AI model developed by Google DeepMind to address the challenges of PDF summarization and image captioning. Gemini AI integrates cutting-edge algorithms, including transformer architectures, to process textual and visual data seamlessly. The project’s system architecture involves modules for text and image extraction, with a Frontend Interface and Backend Server for efficient processing. Results indicate its effectiveness in enhancing content understanding and retrieval.

Keywords: PDF, image captioning, google deep mind, docsnap, gemini AI model.

How to cite this article: Mohammed Hafeez M K, Ayishathul Misriya K S, Fathima Haifa, Fathimath Zaziba, Khatheejathul Aifa. DOCSNAP: Integrating NLP and Computer Vision for Comprehensive Document Summarization. Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Mohammed Hafeez M K, Ayishathul Misriya K S, Fathima Haifa, Fathimath Zaziba, Khatheejathul Aifa. DOCSNAP: Integrating NLP and Computer Vision for Comprehensive Document Summarization. Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received June 28, 2024
Accepted July 2, 2024
Published July 16, 2024

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