Transforming Road Safety: A GPS Enhanced Car Accident Alert System for Rapid Emergency Response

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 19-24

Vaishnavi Desai,

Shravani Dhamale,

Divya Hinge,

Shilpa Dhanorkar,

  1. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Sinhgad School of Engineering, Warje, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Sinhgad School of Engineering, Warje, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  3. Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Sinhgad School of Engineering, Warje, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  4. Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Sinhgad School of Engineering, Warje, Pune, Maharashtra, India


Road accidents continue to be a major global health concern, with consequences for both emergency response times and public safety. The “Transforming Road Safety: A GPS Enhanced Car Accident Alert System for Rapid Emergency Response” that this project suggests would help emergency services respond to car accidents more quickly and efficiently. In this review paper, we investigate a system that uses sensors and GPS to enhance road safety and accident response. Consider a system that, in the event of a car accident, can instantly notify emergency services. That’s what our focus is on. Although the concept of auto accident detection is not new, the automotive sector has made great technological strides in this area. This study aims to advance this field of technology. Here, we attempt to detect accidents using an accelerometer vibration sensor and an ultrasonic sensor, a device that helps determine the position of the car. If the x, y, and z parameter values exceed predefined thresholds, a warning is generated. Our code is activated in this situation to notify emergency services and the driver’s family member via SMS alerts. This approach facilitates the process of locating an accident. If the system notices a substantial impact, it notifies emergency personnel via GPS of the accident’s location. By providing a reliable, automated, and effective way to save lives and lessen the severity of accidents, it promises to completely alter road safety.

Keywords: Regulated Power Supply, Vibration sensor, ADXL 345[Accelerometer], Ultrasonic Sensor, GPS, GSM, Smart Phone, PIC Microcontroller.

[This article belongs to Current Trends in Signal Processing(ctsp)]

How to cite this article: Vaishnavi Desai, Shravani Dhamale, Divya Hinge, Shilpa Dhanorkar. Transforming Road Safety: A GPS Enhanced Car Accident Alert System for Rapid Emergency Response. Current Trends in Signal Processing. 2024; 14(02):19-24.
How to cite this URL: Vaishnavi Desai, Shravani Dhamale, Divya Hinge, Shilpa Dhanorkar. Transforming Road Safety: A GPS Enhanced Car Accident Alert System for Rapid Emergency Response. Current Trends in Signal Processing. 2024; 14(02):19-24. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received June 28, 2024
Accepted July 17, 2024
Published August 17, 2024

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