Drive Line for Plug-in Electric Vehicle with PMSM Motor and Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 01 | Page : 32-49

Reshma S,

Sonima M.P.,

  1. Faculty Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering Kidangoor Kerala India
  2. Faculty Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering Kidangoor Kerala India


In the era of transportation, the best effort will be to replace conventional fossil fuels. Instead, the usage of fossil fuels will give way to renewable energy sources and other clean energies. Many institutions promote the developments and research in the area of hydrogen fuel cell development. This paper passes through the hydrogen fuel cell area as the primary source considered here is a hydrogen fuel cell. Since electric motors are the main stem of an electric vehicle (EV), in this paper the selection of the motor and its design is also discussed. This paper deals with the study of energy transfer over stages used in electric vehicles. Energy generated from the hydrogen fuel cell is converted into electricity which is used to drive the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) and hence the vehicle at the desired speed with the least effort in all real phase circumstances. The proposed paper analyses in detail the outcomes of an electric vehicle with all the constraints. For the smooth operation of an electric vehicle, a control strategy is being developed. The proposed system is simulated in MATLAB and a real case electric vehicle is designed with the help of MATLAB.

Keywords: Hydrogen fuel cell, boost converter, DC-voltage controller, torque controller, PMSM drive, Vehicle dynamics

[This article belongs to Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology(jonet)]

How to cite this article: Reshma S, Sonima M.P.. Drive Line for Plug-in Electric Vehicle with PMSM Motor and Hydrogen Fuel Cell. Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology. 2024; 14(01):32-49.
How to cite this URL: Reshma S, Sonima M.P.. Drive Line for Plug-in Electric Vehicle with PMSM Motor and Hydrogen Fuel Cell. Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology. 2024; 14(01):32-49. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 01
Received February 26, 2024
Accepted May 24, 2024
Published June 11, 2024

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