The Role of Majority Functions in Enhancing Full Subtractor Performance in High-Density Logic Circuits

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Angshuman Chakraborty,

Tanmoy Baraj,

  1. Associate Professor Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, TIT, Narsingh Madhya Pradesh India
  2. M.Tech Scholar Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, TIT, Narsingh Madhya Pradesh India


In the present trend of very large-scale integration (VLSI) technology, implementing a Boolean function with the fewest number of gates (logic) has always been important. Low power design strategies now provide much more benefits than in the past. Performance, affordability, and dependability may be key issues in this area of technology design. Power dissipation is now recognized as a crucial component in the development of competitive market areas such wireless applications, laptops, and portable medical equipment. In this paper, we have compared multiple full subtractor circuits for their total transistor count and overall power consumption. We have proposed a majority function based full subtractor and compared the same with the existing one. The proposed circuit shows some substantial benefits over its existing counterpart.

Keywords: VLSI, Majority function, Leakage Power, MTCMOS, Threshold.

How to cite this article: Angshuman Chakraborty, Tanmoy Baraj. The Role of Majority Functions in Enhancing Full Subtractor Performance in High-Density Logic Circuits. Journal of Semiconductor Devices and Circuits. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Angshuman Chakraborty, Tanmoy Baraj. The Role of Majority Functions in Enhancing Full Subtractor Performance in High-Density Logic Circuits. Journal of Semiconductor Devices and Circuits. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received July 9, 2024
Accepted July 17, 2024
Published August 4, 2024

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