From Sensors to Smartphones: Evaluating the Blynk IoT Smart Plant Monitoring System for Modern Gardening

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

T. S. Sindhu1,

Mohamed Yousuff Caffiyar,

S. Santhosh,

A. Srinivasan,

K. Velu,

M. Naveen Kumar,

M. Avinesh,

  1. Assistant Professor, C.Abdul Hakeem College Of Engineering and Technology, Melvisharam, Tamilnadu, India
  2. Associate Professor, C.Abdul Hakeem College Of Engineering and Technology, Melvisharam, Tamilnadu, India
  3. UG Student, C.Abdul Hakeem College Of Engineering and Technology, Melvisharam, Tamilnadu, India
  4. UG Student, C.Abdul Hakeem College Of Engineering and Technology, Melvisharam, Tamilnadu, India
  5. UG Student, C.Abdul Hakeem College Of Engineering and Technology, Melvisharam, Tamilnadu, India
  6. UG Student, C.Abdul Hakeem College Of Engineering and Technology, Melvisharam, Tamilnadu, India
  7. UG Student, C.Abdul Hakeem College Of Engineering and Technology, Melvisharam, Tamilnadu, India


In our technologically advanced era, where automation permeates every aspect of our lives, even plants have been transformed into smart entities. This article explores the integration of various technical components to imbue plants with self-maintenance capabilities, eliminating the need for human intervention. The system discussed herein regulates moisture levels and temperature within plants, ensuring optimal growing conditions. It incorporates alerts to notify users of deviations from preset parameters and activates a water pump for irrigation when necessary. To improve security and surveillance, the device also has motion detection capabilities. Key components include an ESP8266 Node MCU board, DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, soil moisture sensor, PIR motion sensor, 18650 battery, relay module, and water pump. The system’s functionality is accessible and controllable via the Blynk Application, providing users with a user-friendly graphical interface for seamless interaction. The primary element of this idea is an agricultural system powered by water that eliminates the need for soil. This hydroponic automated system provides water and nutrients to the crops in response to input from sensors, including temperature and humidity monitors and electrical routes for physical occurrences.

Keywords: : NodeMCU, ESP8266, Plant Monitor, Blynk IOT, Soil Moisture, Water Pump

How to cite this article: T. S. Sindhu1, Mohamed Yousuff Caffiyar, S. Santhosh, A. Srinivasan, K. Velu, M. Naveen Kumar, M. Avinesh. From Sensors to Smartphones: Evaluating the Blynk IoT Smart Plant Monitoring System for Modern Gardening. Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: T. S. Sindhu1, Mohamed Yousuff Caffiyar, S. Santhosh, A. Srinivasan, K. Velu, M. Naveen Kumar, M. Avinesh. From Sensors to Smartphones: Evaluating the Blynk IoT Smart Plant Monitoring System for Modern Gardening. Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received July 17, 2024
Accepted July 31, 2024
Published August 16, 2024

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