Driver Observation and Automatic Braking System Using Arduino

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Pratik Mahadik,

Jagdish Baraskar,

Pritam Pawar,

Adesh Telange,

Nayana Jadhav,

  1. B.E Scholar, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship , Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Mumbai University, Khalapur Maharashtra, India
  2. B.E Scholar, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship , Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Mumbai University, Khalapur Maharashtra, India
  3. B.E Scholar, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship , Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Mumbai University, Khalapur Maharashtra, India
  4. B.E Scholar, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship , Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Mumbai University, Khalapur Maharashtra, India
  5. Professor, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship , Engineering Technology (ViMEET), Mumbai University, Khalapur Maharashtra, India


Autonomous braking systems and driver observation are two important developments in car safety technology that are intended to reduce accidents brought on by tired drivers. An eye blink sensor has been incorporated in the device. The sensors recognize an eye blink automatically once the driver starts the engine. This gadget displays the sensor’s output so that it may be compared to the Arduino. The eye blink sensor gets a signal from the transmission module, causing the buzzer to automatically vibrate, the LED to illuminate, and the car to automatically stop when the value hits the predetermined level.Driver Observation and automatic braking system are technologies designed to make driving safer by addressing the issue of driver fatigue. These systems identify when a motorist is becoming sleepy using a variety of sensors and gadgets.. For example, wearable devices like eye blink sensor and sensors to watch for signs like eye closure, blinking patterns. These systems notify the driver to take a break or wake up by means of sounds, vibrations, or visual alerts when they notice indications of drowsiness. Due to drivers’ fatigue while operating a vehicle, there has been a marked rise in traffic accidents, many of which are fatal. When a driver falls asleep, he loses control and causes an accident.This occurs when a driver is unable to maintain control of their car while traveling at a fast speed on the road. A model that can stop these kinds of mishaps can be produced by this project. This immediate feedback helps prevent accidents that could happen if a driver falls asleep at the wheel Together, these technologies greatly reduce the risk of accidents caused by driver fatigue, making roads safer for everyone. This aims to create a framework to keep the car safe and secure through critical activity.They ensure drivers stay alert and help prevent crashes by taking over certain driving tasks when necessaryThis project can produce a model that can stop these kinds of mishaps. We presented a very straightforward and affordable solution that addresses this problem in order to stop this.

Keywords: Eye blink sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, relays, Arduino, DC motor.

How to cite this article: Pratik Mahadik, Jagdish Baraskar, Pritam Pawar, Adesh Telange, Nayana Jadhav. Driver Observation and Automatic Braking System Using Arduino. Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Pratik Mahadik, Jagdish Baraskar, Pritam Pawar, Adesh Telange, Nayana Jadhav. Driver Observation and Automatic Braking System Using Arduino. Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received May 7, 2024
Accepted May 18, 2024
Published August 14, 2024

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