Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation of Parachute by Eulerian-Lagrangian penalty method

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Pak Sol Song,

Hyong Gyu Jon,

Kum Kwon Choe,

Kwang Ho Kim,

Jong Dok Ri,

  1. Faculty, Kim Il Sung University, North Korea North Korea
  2. Student, Kim Il Sung University, North Korea
  3. Student, Kim Il Sung University, North Korea
  4. Student, Kim Il Sung University, North Korea
  5. Student, Kim Il Sung University, North Korea


In general, modeling and simulation of a model consisting of fluid and solid combinations has been considered difficult, and it has become impossible in terms of computer dependencies and accuracy to be analyzed by Fluent or other programs. The parachute evaluation process, which is historically based on a large amount of experimental data, necessitates many falling experiments. These tests can be costly and time-consuming, and they don’t always allow for a thorough knowledge of the dynamic behaviour of the parachute. The opening load, drag characteristics, swinging angle, and other numerical simulation results agree well with wind tunnel testing. However, many attempts have been made to solve these problems worldwide, and many research groups have developed new programs with considerable effort. If the solid part is very deformable and nonlinear, such as parachutes or fabrics, this dedicated application is the most important tool for analyzing them.
At present, the program is widely used for analysis that requires very high accuracy, such as air cushioning and the movement of bullet in air to ensure safe landing of the UAV.
These days several methods to simulate the parachute behaviour are suggested. Generally, it is very difficult to simulate the parachute characteristics because of parachute fabric has strong deformability and non-linearity. From the requirements my article proposes a method of simulation of the inflation process of ringslot parachute. The FSI numerical simulation of the ringslot parachute was constructed using the CFD/CSD and Arbitrary Lagrangian Euler (ALE) coupling techniques; the mathematical modelling of the FSI results of the parachute’s collapse during the inflation the procedure was addressed using the computational infrastructure services of nonlinear finite element code LS-DYNA. The visualisation of inflation forces that are canopy projected subject matter, and canopy deformation is obtained. Analysis was done on the FSI mechanism of parachute inflating. The results can be used to design of parachute compare with the experimental data.

Keywords: Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian, ringsail parachute, Inflation, Non-linearity, FSI method

How to cite this article: Pak Sol Song, Hyong Gyu Jon, Kum Kwon Choe, Kwang Ho Kim, Jong Dok Ri. Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation of Parachute by Eulerian-Lagrangian penalty method. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Pak Sol Song, Hyong Gyu Jon, Kum Kwon Choe, Kwang Ho Kim, Jong Dok Ri. Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation of Parachute by Eulerian-Lagrangian penalty method. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics. 2024; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rtfm/article=2024/view=167053


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Ahead of Print Subscription Review Article
Received April 10, 2024
Accepted July 31, 2024
Published August 14, 2024

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