Designing and Implementation of Under-Water Optical Wireless Communication System

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Sujata Patil,

Kunal Mahale,

Bhushan Chaudhari,

Sanket Chaudhari,

  1. Assistant professor, Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student, Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  3. Student, Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  4. Student, Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India


In modern digital communication field Optical Wireless Communication is playing key role to heighten expectation of the end user. To communicate these end users through communication channel with reliable data is always challenging and unpredictable. Now a day most thrust area is wireless optical communication which is used to establish connection among various end user nodes. All the constituents like fog, dust, smoke, and rain and wind turbulence will have effect on the transmitted data or information which is transmitted through this optical channel. Moreover, this will become tricky and tiresome to detect and correct at the end of the receiver due to the altitude and the geographical location of the transceiver units of the optical communication link. This work proposes to overcome data limits of the wireless optical communication link and improved the signal to noise ratio to reduce bit error rate of 2-meter wireless optical channel length. There are different Modulation Schemes are adopted like BPSK, QPSK, OOK for wireless optical communication. However, this brings complexity in decoding and prone to more bit error rate. to minimize the bit error, we are using the various Error Correction Codes (Repeat code, Hamming and Low-Density Parity Check codes) will offer solution to this problem and ensures a reliable communication. Corrected the corrupted data with BER of range 10^-4. Optical wireless communication has attracted significant interest recently in industry and academia. This special issue features a collection of inter-related papers with the intention to cover all necessary multidisciplinary challenges to realize optical wireless networks. We hope that this special issue will serve as a comprehensive reference and that it will be a resource which fosters many more new ideas for this rapidly emerging field.

Keywords: Data Recovery, Error Correction Codes, Light Source, Modulation Schemes, Optical Wireless Communication

How to cite this article: Sujata Patil, Kunal Mahale, Bhushan Chaudhari, Sanket Chaudhari. Designing and Implementation of Under-Water Optical Wireless Communication System. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Sujata Patil, Kunal Mahale, Bhushan Chaudhari, Sanket Chaudhari. Designing and Implementation of Under-Water Optical Wireless Communication System. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Review Article
Received May 3, 2024
Accepted July 25, 2024
Published August 14, 2024

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